cj, on 3 Apr, wrote:

> In article <20150403111441.gb18...@kyllikki.org>,
>    Vincent Sanders <vi...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:
> > The bandwidth line will be about 20 lines from the end of the log
> I restarted Netsurf with cache enabled on the Iyonix. Loaded up the ROOL
> forum. Message came up almost immediately that the cache was being
> disabled.

Can't say that I blame it! The ROOL forum content is particularly turgid at
the moment, no sensible software would see any purpose in cacheing that. 
> Quit again.
> Write speed details.
> (169.280000) content/llcache.c llcache_finalise 3352: Backing store
> average bandwidth 95831 bytes/second
> Doesn't look very hopeful does it.

Hmm! My Iyonix did over three time better than that, and there was no "too
slow" message. My test piece was http://www.dailymail.co.uk because that is
a particularly heavy duty site. 

David Pitt

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