On 9 Aug 2018  Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:

> On 9 Aug 2018 Richard Porter  wrote:

>> Hi all, I've got a strange problem on one of my sites.
>> On http://www.mmpa.org.uk/ all of the gif images are missing, including
>> the yellow navigation buttons at the top. If you go to other pages the
>> "home" and "News" buttons are present.

>> On Otter Browser and on other platforms all the images are present.

>> Before I raise a bug report I'd like to know if other NetSurf users are
>> seeing the same fault. There was a recent update to the news panel which
>> increased it's size. This could have affected the rendering.

All those yellow links are working here.

> I've now got the same problem with http://www.minimarcos.org/

And the similar buttons here are working too.

ARMX6, RISC OS 5.25 RComp version, 25-Apr-18 and NetSurf 3.8 (Dev CI 

Just updated to #4389 and all the buttons still work.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Au) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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