Waag Bazaar
On the 21st of June it will be 10 years ago that Waag Society opened 
the doors of the Waag building that had been vacant for several years. 
A lot has happened since then. Waag Society evolved into an 
international acknowledged institution where technology is connected to 
social and cultural issues.

To celebrate our 10th anniversary there will be a Waag Bazaar on the 
21st of June with music, performances, installations, debates, art, and 
a number of our projects. The program starts at 1.00 PM and ends with a 
debate at 6.00 PM.

The program in the restaurant contains the Storytelling table, a 
Lock-picker workshop by Toools, Robot Mobi, The Robot Vodka Bar, 
Neighborhood Cinema, The Animation Table, Simuze performances, the 
ScratchWorx console with VJ/DJ workshops and more.

On the first floor a real Waag museum will be open for that day with 
projects from the past and the present:  storytelling activities, 
keyworx installation and connected experiments.

During the day several debates will take place in the Theatrum 
Anatomicum; topics range from the Nieuwmarkt neighborhood, Creative 
cities and the 'Ars Combinatoire'. All discussions will be in Dutch.

More info and the complete program on http://lustrum.waag.org .

We invite you all..

where: Waag building, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012CR Amsterdam
when: 21st of June, 1.00 PM - 7.00 PM
stream: http://connect.waag.org

F. van Spaendonck | Waag Society | Nieuwmarkt 4 | 1012 CR Amsterdam | 
www.waag.org | +31-20-5579898

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