Hello nettimers,
a while ago I posted here an essay on the relationship between the internet, globalization and languages: http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0605/msg00052.html Following up on it, I would like to let you that I published a book on this issue, that focuses on a particular case of the above mentioned context and documents a particular project within it. The book is called McDeutsch, further details I am sending below. If you are interested in issues like globalization and/of languages / German de-/re-nationalization net-writing/-literature you might wanna check out the interviews I - in collaboration with editors of the online magazine Berliner Gazette - have conducted via email with about 50 cultural workers from all over the world on their relationship towards the German language. The bi-lingual book (German / English) contains a selection of the resulting protocols: http://ssl.einsnull.com/paymate/search.php?vid=5&aid=1637 All original texts can be accessed here: http://www.berlinergazette.de/index.php?pagePos=10&keyword=mcdeutsch The press release, that I am sending below, contains further information. Best wishes, Krystian Woznicki ------------------ Press Release McDeutsch ? Protocols on the Globalization of German Krystian Woznicki (Ed.) Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2006. 228 p. 14,95 Euro. ISBN 3-86599-029-0 ?We have Lufthansa, Telekom, and n-tv??but we still lack a global perspective on ?our? national issues.? (Krystian Woznicki, Editor of the McDeutsch book) ?Save the German Language!? said the cover of Der Spiegel?s issue commemorating German Reunification Day. Demands for ?more German? are on the rise in Germany. After ?Quotas for German Music on Radio!? came the call for ?Obligatory German in Gyms, Bars, and Schools!? Ensuing debates have even carried over to the popular Sabine Christiansen talk show, Germany?s so-called ?ersatz parliament.? Yet, what sort of role does the German language, as a kind of prosthesis supporting national identity, play at all? Didn?t this supposed German cultural property become common international property long ago? McDeutsch documents a project of the same name: an Internet dialogue carried out in 2006 by the Berliner Gazette. The book is a selection of 24 interview protocols, created by posing questions about the German language to cultural workers from around the world. These protocols show the extent of the globalization of German and open up a new perspective on what role the German language plays in the current phase of globalization. The McDeutsch book, published by Kulturverlag Kadmos, is part of a larger project of the same name, in which about fifty cultural workers from all continents (except Antarctica!) have been interviewed on their attitude towards the German language. All of the resulting protocols are being published under www.berlinergazette.de (through 31 December 2006). A McDeutsch Symposium at the ?Museum f?r Kommunikation? (15.12.2006) discussed the issues of the project with participants from the USA and Africa. The book contains contributions by Rainer Ganahl, Bernard Imhasly, Sabine Erlenwein, Anja Wollenberg, Oliver Schmitz, Estela Schindel, Ljuba Gonchar, Saleh Srouji, Ehssan Varshowkar, Kofi Yakpo, Paul Th?r?sin, Geert Lovink, Yoshua Okon, Michael Clyne, Eric Hutchins, Handan Konak, Roman Engelhardt, Jesusa Cabarcas Suarez, Stephen Gaya Agong, Milena Hajn?, Nick Deocampo, Matias Faldbakken, Tomoyuki Sugimoto and Nguyen Hung. In addition to that maps and info graphics designed by Thomas M?ller are included in the book. Krystian Woznicki, born in 1972 in Glatz, Poland, is the editor of this book and artistic director of the project. He lives as a critic and curator in Berlin. In 1999, he founded the Berliner Gazette (www.berlinergazette.de) and has been editor-in-chief since its creation. McDeutsch was funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. For more information, please contact: Krystian Woznicki Berliner Gazette e.V. Sch?nhauser Allee 141a D ? 10437 Berlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.berlinergazette.de # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net