David, I think you are entirely right, but I think these are two separate issues: Brexitmadegon in the UK and the total dysfunctioning of EUrope. Brexit indeed offered an opportunity for hard re-thinking in Bruksel, and it has indeed been missed, we're back at business as usual which means pushing the bucket further down the road. So EU's going to the wall too, just a bit later than UK (or earlier, who knows).

We're going to the dogs, that's for sure - so maybe time to prepare for this at our own scale, on both sides of the channel.

Here's a nice perspective, even though it's sustainability is questionable in Mad Max times ...


Cheers, p+7D!

On 2017-08-10 10:55, David Garcia wrote:
So Patrice… shouldn't the anti-democratic neo-liberal structures of
the EU, that actually forbid radical
socialist restructuring and are able to enforce these strictures by
means of what Varoufakis called
“fiscal waterboarding” give us some pause for thought?

This leftist scepticism on the constraints that belonging to the EU
club puts on the possibility for implementing
radical socialist (or even social democratic) agendas might help to
explain Corbyn’s lack luster campaign to Remain
(however he tries to spin it). To Corbyn supporters on the list I
would argue that the reason (despite all the protestations)
we know it was lack-luster is because it is now clear what a great
national campaigner he is when his heart is in it.

This puts many Corbyn supporters who are also committed Europeans in a
bind. We saw Franco Barardi’s
anger expressed in his withdrawl from Diem in response to the pitiful
response of the EU to the terrible migration crisis. But retreating
behind socialist versions of nationalist silos or premature
internationalist dreams, are no answer to either the human emergency
of mass migration or the EU’s institutions structural democratic deficit.

The UK’s imminent social, generational and economic pain that is
already accompanying Brexit.. will give other members of the club fair
warning of what is at stake when we teare the house down with only a
rickety tent made of abstract nouns (sovereinty and control) to move

Probably the warning that our local plight will send will be good rest
of Europe. But for us living in the UK..not so much. My fear is that
the lesson the EU will learn will be to run back to Mutti and Macron’s
status quo. Seriously that is the wrong lesson..

On 10 Aug 2017, at 08:50, Patrice Riemens <patr...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

That's a point of view. But unfortunately Hungary doesn't provide as much comic relief as the Disunited Kingdom, it's totally deflated PM, it's rightwingers going at each other's throats, and the whole country generally slowly descending in the social and economic meltdown that the unavoidable 'Hard Brexit' promises to deliver. Never ming the howls of laughter in the Brussels Commission corridors at the perspective of lengthily torturing that political entity that made them suffer for so long. De Gaulle was right about the UK 'elite', and he must enjoy the spectacle from his heavenly abode ...

On 2017-08-09 12:06, heath bunting wrote:
nothing compared to uk
On Wed, 2 Aug 2017, János Sugár wrote:
Is Hungary the EU's first rogue state?
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