I mostly agree, apart from the antiquity of speech.
The more we go, the older it gets.
See for instance :


"Bones of Stone Age boy challenge single-origin theory of modern humans.
DNA analysis points to no one cradle of humanity but a whole African

On 13 March 2018 at 18:58, Morlock Elloi <morlockel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> These distinctions (humans, animals, machines) are artificial and not
> helpful (also a slippery slope - the end game in that direction is
> racism/identity politics.)
> Speech is most likely a mutation only 50,000 years old (we didn't get
> quite used to it yet.) The difference between the speech technology and
> machine-mediated communications is centralization of the latter (everyone
> controls own speech apparatus, electronic communications are controlled by
> what - 20-30 people grand total?)
> The centralization is the only troublesome aspect of machines, and it
> needs to be fixed. The rest is fine.
> Oh, so you give into the idea of human resources? :)
>> Well, I beg to differ: let's stay in the animal realm, one step below
>> such artifice.
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