A rewrite:

One other side, championed in the US, is a digital landscape where Google and 
Facebook have replaced freedom of speech. Social media are the apps that 
matter, and users can chat and surf the web with one app. The downsides: 
corporations reign absolute, and are watching you — you may have to communicate 
with friends in code. And don't expect to access any monetization of content 
that will bring you any income.

> A brilliant passage from
> https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-internet-divided-between-the-u-s-and-china-has-become-a-battleground-11549688420
> :
>> One side, championed in China, is a digital landscape where mobile
>> payments have replaced cash. Smartphones are the devices that matter,
>> and users can shop, chat, bank and surf the web with one app. The
>> downsides: The government reigns absolute, and it is watching -- you
>> may have to communicate with friends in code. And don't expect to
>> access Google or Facebook.
> This is at the level of WW2 anti-jap propaganda.
> It seems that we have reached the stage where state propaganda is openly 
> addressing audiences with presumed IQ in teens, and yet there is no word of 
> opposition from the general public.
> Such quiet submission must have massive effects on one's self respect, which 
> is likely the primary goal.
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