Hey would someone mind posting the content of the article here for those of us 
not subscribed to WSJ? Thanks! 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Feb 2019, at 18:56, Geert Lovink <ge...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> A rewrite:
> One other side, championed in the US, is a digital landscape where Google and 
> Facebook have replaced freedom of speech. Social media are the apps that 
> matter, and users can chat and surf the web with one app. The downsides: 
> corporations reign absolute, and are watching you — you may have to 
> communicate with friends in code. And don't expect to access any monetization 
> of content that will bring you any income.
>> A brilliant passage from
>> https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-internet-divided-between-the-u-s-and-china-has-become-a-battleground-11549688420
>> :
>>> One side, championed in China, is a digital landscape where mobile
>>> payments have replaced cash. Smartphones are the devices that matter,
>>> and users can shop, chat, bank and surf the web with one app. The
>>> downsides: The government reigns absolute, and it is watching -- you
>>> may have to communicate with friends in code. And don't expect to
>>> access Google or Facebook.
>> This is at the level of WW2 anti-jap propaganda.
>> It seems that we have reached the stage where state propaganda is openly 
>> addressing audiences with presumed IQ in teens, and yet there is no word of 
>> opposition from the general public.
>> Such quiet submission must have massive effects on one's self respect, which 
>> is likely the primary goal.
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