On 10/10/2020 19:45, Keith Sanborn wrote:
> Again the "always already.”
> What if fascism is not a mask? The voices of the dead should be listened to.

Waves and particle, apples and oranges. My way, your way, anything goes

Zygmunt Bauman, who is dead and spend considerable time developing a
voice that made sense of the Holocaust, to which many students of
Sociology have been subjected, investigated the relations between
fascism and modernity, and I wonder if he would readily agree that, as
you write, "..there is a qualitative and quantitative difference between
bourgeois democracy and fascism..".

Here from a random blog:

"...In Modernity and the Holocaust, Zygmunt Bauman contends that the
Holocaust should not simply be understood as an accident along the road
to modernity. Rather, Bauman argues that modernity provided the
“necessary conditions” (Bauman, 13) for its undertaking. As Bauman puts
it, the Holocaust was “a legitimate resident in the house of modernity”
(Bauman, 17). To support this contention, Bauman suggests that the
principles of rationality and efficiency which so uniquely characterize
the modern era may have had, in the case of the Holocaust, some
unintended consequences: “at no point of its long and tortuous execution
did the Holocaust come into conflict with the principles of rationality.
The ‘Final Solution’ did not clash at any stage with the rational
pursuit of efficient, optimal goal-implementation” (Bauman, 17)...".

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