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Hyperemployment - Post-work, Online Labour and Automation
STREAM #1 / Monday, 23 November 2020 at 5 PM (CET)


Laborious Relations
Silvio Lorusso & Sebastian Schmieg
Moderated by Davor Mišković

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Today, no matter if we are unemployed, self-employed or working at a regular
full-time job, as "technology users" we are always working.


In November 2019, Aksioma started a one-year program of events entitled
2&id=08553a0946&e=b2b01b8bf8> Hyperemployment - Post-work, Online Labor and
Automation curated by Domenico Quaranta and Janez Janša. Now we are ready to
wrap up this experience with
2&id=799a1cd406&e=b2b01b8bf8> a publication featuring words by Domenico
Quaranta, Luciana Parisi, Silvio Lorusso, !Mediengruppe Bitnik and Felix
Stalder, and the works of all the artists who were part of the program. The
book will be co-published by NERO and Aksioma in December 2020.


Leading up to the book release, Aksioma presents two streaming events with
some of the artists whose works and/or texts are included in the book. The
first event entitled Laborious Relations is a conversation between two of
them: Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg. Lorusso will take the cue from
the essay (featured in the reader) entitled Gig Economy Art and Its Dark
Matter that focuses on the figure of the art worker and critically reflects
on the use of outsourcing and crowdworking services in artistic production.
Schmieg will instead take as a starting point the idea of
2&id=9ef3dde98e&e=b2b01b8bf8> "laborious intelligence", expressed in his
article published for Kulturtechniken 4.0. The conversation will be
moderated by the director of the Rijeka cultural association Drugo more,
Davor Mišković.


STREAM #2: On Monday 7 December 2020, as always at 5 PM CET, and always on
2&id=295807a082&e=b2b01b8bf8> Aksioma | Streaming channel, we'll meet the
artist duo !Mediengruppe Bitnik and the professor of digital culture and
network theories Felix Stalder who will discuss topics related to the
invisibility of institutional processes, the functioning of infrastructures
and logistics, freedom and the economy of data.



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Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2020
Supported by: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the
Municipality of Ljubljana




Marcela Okretič

Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana

Jakopičeva 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Aksioma | Project Space

Komenskega 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

tel.: + 386 - (0)590 54360

gsm: + 386 - (0)41 - 250830

e-mail:  <>




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