Old friend of nettime Patrice Riemens recently mailed to ask me how I felt 
about the weird/surreal state of the UK political scene. This maybe of interest 
to some if not I will no doubt be corrected.


Rory Stuart, one of the old-style Tories purged by Johnson and Cummings has 
created a fabulous taxonomy to illustrate Johnson’s gifts “as the most 
accomplished liar in British public life –perhaps the best liar ever to serve 
as prime minister,” 

“He has” according to Stuart ”mastered the use of error, omission, 
exaggeration, diminution, equivocation and flat denial. He has perfected 
casuistry, circumlocution, false equivalence and false analogy. He is equally 
adept at the ironic jest, the fib and the grand lie; the weasel word and the 
half-truth; the hyperbolic lie, the obvious lie, and the bullshit lie – which 
may inadvertently be true.”

But despite all of this it is just about possible to argue that Johnson has 
read the runes better than many other Tories and that much of the weirdness of 
UK politics is to some extent froth. His administration is perhaps less of an 
outlier than it appears. He is a man of few fixed ideological beliefs which is 
how (like Merkle) he has held together a coalition with contradictory 
ideologies.. The ‘greased piglet’ is hard to pin down.


Like many countries and regions, Johnson has had to respond to the biggest 
change brought about by the pandemic which has been to accelerate a shift in 
favour of a greater role for the state. Including the nation state in part 
because of the pandemic pressure to close boarders. Unlike other Tories Johnson 
is at ease with this along with other aspects of an interventionist state, 
despite frequently pretending otherwise.. The return of the nation state is 
part of what is becoming a more geo-politically charged world which includes a 
new awareness of the entanglement of supply chain pressures with questions of 
security and risk (e.g. Russian pipeline). The newly empowered state is also a 
consequence of the eye-watering amount of borrowing required to keep our 
economies from flat-lining. So even for Tories on the right of the party any 
return to the old fiscal narrative will be pretty much impossible. And Johnson 
has been quicker to recognise this than other Tories. Despite Thatcherite 
nostalgia there can be no going back to the Cameron Osbourne response to the 
2008 crisis.  Johnson’s conservatism recognises that there can be no return to 
small state with low taxes conservatism. His claims to NetZero ambitions means 
that world has gone..(But of course he often has to pretend otherwise) The 
post-covid mad Johnsonian UK has the appearance of a hyper-weird outlier. But 
wipe the froth of the Johnson Cappuccino and he maybe less of an outlier than 
it first appears.


David Garcia




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