What are the odds of a left majority parliament in France?


On Wed, 4 May 2022 at 02:26, Brian Holmes <bhcontinentaldr...@gmail.com>

> That's brilliant Frederic. I have not followed French politics for years
> and I am glad to hear what you say!
> Here, maybe I am missing it, but it seems there is no parallel.
> Tell more about it, what you think are the strong points.
> On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 3:19 PM Frédéric Neyrat <fney...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> dear Brian,
>> "Archaic communism" is certainly a wrong way to speak about Mélanchon: I
>> mean, it's certainly what Macron thinks, what all the persons who used to
>> vote for the "Parti Socialiste" (sic) in order to set up a neolibreal
>> society think, what many former leftists in Multitudes think (some
>> renegades, to use Badiou's concept), but to call "archaic communist" an
>> anti-nuclear Party promoting one of the most daring ecological programs
>> that exists nowadays is weird, to say the least. That being said, there are
>> many problems in La France Insoumise, but Mélanchon was able to evolve in
>> so many good ways that, well, what do you want? And it seems that a leftist
>> coalition is possible these days for the next elections. That's not bad I
>> think. That's something al least.
>> In solidarity,
>> Frédéric
>> __________________________________
>> ________________
>> On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 3:08 PM Brian Holmes <bhcontinentaldr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think this debate is totally interesting, and I certainly would be
>>> against screening articles for political correctness! The latter can only
>>> be achieved by debate and real understanding.
>>> What's characteristic about this moment is that established political
>>> positions have collapsed, including that of the socialist Left whose
>>> blindspot has always been communist authoritarianism, whether historical in
>>> the case of the USSR or extant in the Chinese case. This could be an
>>> important chance for everyone to learn something new, and crucially, to
>>> come up with new policies. But it isn't happening, not yet anyway. Instead
>>> we have a "fog of partisanship" in which center left, center right and far
>>> left all rehash their worldviews, even as the old authoritarian demons
>>> reassert themselves and the new challenges of climate change start getting
>>> serious. The victor of the ideological struggle, for the moment, is the
>>> emergent national-populist right, whose core program of deglobalization and
>>> re-shoring is buried under culture wars and the thrill of polarization. We
>>> may soon get the chance to see what that buried agenda gets turned into in
>>> the USA, where the culture-war rhetoric appears primed to score major
>>> electoral victories.
>>> Under these conditions it becomes harder to categorize and label
>>> individual positions. As in the case of Applebaum, valuable concepts and
>>> assessments are mixed with confusion and self-justification. You have to
>>> simultaneously identify the true parts AND remember the enormous mistakes
>>> that these individuals have made, as well as the horrors perpetrated within
>>> policy networks that they still support. It is so easy for an old Cold
>>> Warrior to talk about the cities bombed during WWII, and still easier to
>>> just forget Fallajuh in Iraq, where the Americans, acting in a rebooted
>>> Cold War mode, committed one of the most murderous acts in human history.
>>> To think there is no danger of another Fallujah is, imho, as naive as to
>>> think that Russia should not be confronted today.
>>> The article that Michael Benson sent on Applebaum continually makes the
>>> point that she is unable to ascribe any fault to her own side for
>>> generating the fascistic national-populism that so many of her old friends
>>> now embrace. Perhaps the author is keenly aware that the center left is, if
>>> anything, worse on that score. Global neoliberalism and the ardent belief
>>> that borderless commerce would soothe the slumbering authoritarian beast
>>> were the creations of the center-left in the Clinton-Blair-Schroeder years.
>>> Not only did that fail spectacularly with Russia and China, it also failed
>>> with the US, British, French and perhaps other working classes, leaving
>>> them desperate on both the economic and cultural levels, and therefore open
>>> to all kinds of opportunistic rhetoric.
>>> I was certain that capitalist globalization would ruin national systems
>>> of solidarity, spark a populist backlash and supercharge climate change, so
>>> I opposed it. Now in the US, neither the center nor the far left can even
>>> talk about political economy in any coherent way - the center because it
>>> can't admit abysmal failure, and the socialist left, because it has
>>> accepted its role in the culture war, which is to call the other side
>>> racist pigs and consider that a platform. In France the situation is worse:
>>> the center parties have disappeared in favor of a national-populism aligned
>>> with Russia (Le Pen), a catch-up neoliberalism that arrived decades too
>>> late to succeed (Macron) and what looks to me like another archaic
>>> communism (Melenchon). What you don't see are assessments of the major
>>> trends attendant on capitalist globalization: their origins, their effects,
>>> and the ways to valuably intervene.
>>> thoughtfully, Brian
>>> On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 6:11 AM allan siegel <
>>> allansie...@internet-mail.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear Michael and Nettimers,
>>>> I do not favour a pre-screening of articles or anything of the like.
>>>> Rather I am concerned about pointing out and contextualizing certain
>>>> political arguments. Although she may think otherwise Applebaum represents
>>>> a strata of opinion makers that specialises in a specific political
>>>> terrain; in her case the Soviet Union, Eastern and Central Europe, etc. She
>>>> operates within binary paradigms of East vs. West, democracies vs.
>>>> autocracies etc.. She sits in an intellectual grandstand formulating
>>>> opinions not exactly based on rigorous research but rather stemming from a
>>>> form of entitlement in which the publications and books she has written
>>>> spotlight and self-validate her opinions. She is not alone in her role as
>>>> an ideological agent whose mission is to buttress forms of political
>>>> discourse that take place within specified boundaries. These forms of
>>>> delimited discourse are the bedrock of mainstream media - within the U.S.
>>>> especially. A mainstream wherein the voices of activist movements in the
>>>> U.S. have been historically marginalised, silenced and sometimes killed. I
>>>> am simply stating facts here.
>>>> So, let me cut to the chase: the CIA, FBI, and all the various stripes
>>>> of intelligence agencies have used journalists and writers as pollinators
>>>> of skewed opinions and ostensible facts in order to maintain a
>>>> superficially neutral status quo - all under the banner of a so-called
>>>> democracy.
>>>> Given the current extreme political tensions, and the proposals to
>>>> hopefully avoid a full-out war and resolve the crisis, I was prompted to
>>>> draw attention to Anne Applebaum's bona fides and the pool within which she
>>>> swims. Especially given the clouds of misinformation floating across the
>>>> horizon.
>>>> Best
>>>> Allan
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