Daiki Ueno <u...@gnu.org> writes:

> Thank you very much for all the Curve448/SHAKE256 work for merging (I'm
> slowly catching up).

I think this is complete now (except updating hogweed-benchmark), just
pushed to the ed448 branch. Thanks for the patience.

>> These corner cases are a bit hard to test.
> For what it's worth, the original issue was reliably reproducible with
> the GnuTLS port[1] against the OpenSSL client.  Here is a test vector
> extracted from the interaction:

I'm afraid this doesn't exercise the corner cases. The thing is, we have q
close to 2^k (k = 2^252 for ed25519, k = 446 for ed448).

Then we want to reduce 

  r = hi 2^k + lo

modulo q, canonically. If we set 

  r' = r - hi * q

then it's highly likely that 0 <= r' < q, but not certain. 

For ed25519, q > 2^k, so we are guaranteed that r' < 2^k < q, but we may
get r' < 0.

For ed448, q < 2^k, so we are guaranteed that r' > 0, and we may instead
get r' >= q. 

For now, I've added the following logic to _eddsa_sign:

  if (ecc->p.bit_size == 255)
      /* FIXME: Special code duplicated in ecc_25519_modq
         Define a suitable method for canonical reduction? */

      /* q is slightly larger than 2^252, underflow from below
         mpn_submul_1 is unlikely. */
      unsigned shift = 252 - GMP_NUMB_BITS * (ecc->p.size - 1);
      q = sp[ecc->p.size-1] >> shift;
      unsigned shift;

      assert (ecc->p.bit_size == 448);
      /* q is slightly smaller than 2^446 */
      shift = 446 - GMP_NUMB_BITS * (ecc->p.size - 1);
      /* Add one, then it's possible but unlikely that below
         mpn_submul_1 does *not* underflow. */
      q = (sp[ecc->p.size-1] >> shift) + 1;

  cy = mpn_submul_1 (sp, ecc->q.m, ecc->p.size, q);
  assert (cy < 2);
  cy -= cnd_add_n (cy, sp, ecc->q.m, ecc->p.size);
  assert (cy == 0);

I think that's correct, but it seems tricky to find inputs to
_eddsa_sign that will hit the corner cases. I've added some debug
printouts to verify that mpn_submul_1 returns 0 for the ed25519
testcases, and 1 for all the ed448 testcases. If it's taken out to a
separate function/method, then it gets easier to unit test.


Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid 368C6677.
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