On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 10:43 AM Niels Möller <ni...@lysator.liu.se> wrote:

Speaking of ppc64 (big-endian, I assume) vs ppc64el, do you think it's
> possible and reasonable to use same assembly files? That's how the
> current ARM big-endian support works.

Yes, that is what I'm working on. nettle has IF_LE and IF_BE macros to be
used in assembly files for this purpose. It's not reasonable to make two
different files of the same implementation just to change permuting loaded
data for big-endian version.

> Can you explain why it's different? I thought the point of the debian
> multilib organization was to enable installing the native packages,
> i.e., apt-get install libstdc++6:ppc64el rather than apt-get install
> libstdc++6-ppc64el-cross. But I'm not that familiar with the details of
> the debian cross packages.

Yes it's possible but I think if the cross packages would do the job it's
less reasonable to install the native ones. Another reason to do that is
Debian doesn't support ppc64 officially, I didn't figure out how to install
libstdc++6:ppc64 so the cross package is the only option here.

> Do you need to explicitly install libstdc++? I would expect the
> g++-$host to depend (or recommend) on the right library packages.

My fault, seems to explicitly install libstdc++ is not needed.

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