On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 16:54 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Dan Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > All the wireless keys, preferred network, and which networks you're
> > actually allowed to connect to are stored per-user, as designed, and
> > also as designed, NetworkManager won't attempt to connect to a wireless
> > network without that data since it couldn't possibly know which one to
> > connect to.
> no offense intended, but I still disagree with that design choice.  It means 
> you
> cannot use NM in a situation where you have wireless network and network-based
> login (e.g. Kerberos/Hesiod, NIS, etc).  In the current design you have to
> already be logged in in order to start the wireless network, which means you
> have to have a local account.

If you're using network login, your computer is tied specifically to
that network; you can't switch networks, which invalidates a lot of the
point of NetworkManager as it is today.  For the short term you could
just use your OS native wireless networking scripts, hardcode the
wireless network and WEP key in /etc/whatever. 

Longer term it probably makes sense to have NetworkManager handle these
oddball cases (including things such as static IP), but there isn't
anyone working on it AFAIK.

I think the value that NetworkManager provides in these cases is as an
OS-agnostic frontend for querying network status etc.  So maybe we
should just have a separate NetworkManagerStatic server with its own
backends that has plugins for various systems.

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