Hello! I'm trying to get ModemManager 7.990 working with my Cinterion modem.

The problem is that the modem cannot be enabled properly. The cinterion plugin 
switches it to CYCLIC SLEEP mode (+CFUN=7) on initial power down.
In this mode the modem can only be enabled if hardware flow control is on 
The mm-serial-port.c has property for enabling hardware flow control, but it 
isn't used anywhere in the code.

The other problem is that power on from CFUN=7 requires enabling hardware flow 
control by sending \Q3, but function that does it (setup_flow_control) does not 
get called on initial modem initialization process.

The modem in CYCLIC SLEEP also cannot be found by plugin after ModemManager 
startup without hardware flow control turned on.

What is the best way to implement hardware flow enabling? I can actualy enable 
it in init_power_down function of modem plugin, but the modem search problem 
still remains then.
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