On 14.05.2022 00:23, Adrian Freihofer via networkmanager-list wrote:
> Hi
> Is it somehow possible to disable an interface via NetworkManager?
> I am thinking of something like:
> nmcli connection modify con-eth0 802-3-ethernet.phy disabled
> nmcli connection up con-eth0
> which would basically have the same effect as:
> ip link set eth0 down
> nmcli connection modify con-eth0 802-3-ethernet.phy enabled
> nmcli connection up con-eth0
> which would basically have the same effect as:
> ip link set eth0 up
> The background is a security requirement. Unused interfaces must
> ideally remain disabled at the physical layer when a cable is plugged
> in. Ideally, the LEDs would also remain dark.

It sounds like


mostly does what you want.

> If this function does not exist yet, would it be interesting for
> NetworkManager?
> Could the functionality be implemented with reasonable effort or would
> it be difficult to implement?
> Thank you and regards,
> Adrian
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