
I used NM 1.32.12 in an embedded environment, I have another daemon which is 
responsible for creating and monitoring connection profiles via libnm. I 
recently experienced errors I cannot understand, I received an error "Unable to 
determine UID of the request" in the completion callback of 

Looking at the code , it leads to this function 
 that return NULL.
src/core/nm-dbus-manager.c · 1.32.12 · NetworkManager / 
NetworkManager — network management daemon

The problem is there are no error/warning logs in NM which could help me to 
understand (so I guess the various g_return_val_if_fail used in the function 
are not reached). The only difference I see (beside the error of course) is the 
completion time between the async request and its response in my daemon 
(roughly 4 seconds in case of error instead of practically instant).

From what I understand, it is related to authorization check but before this 
error, my daemon managed to create a NMClient and perform various getter on it.
Several things that I can add for information:
  - The system does not use polkit.
  - NM runs as root and the client runs as a limited user.
  - The problem is pretty hard to reproduce (see this two times on several 
thousand of the same sequence).

Can you please give advice on how I can investigate more on that ? Maybe some 
particular traces to activate ?

Thank you very much in advance for all the help you can bring.

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