
I were traveling on a new train recently with working public wifi. Because I use dns=dnsmasq on my laptop, I thought about new connection.dns-over-tls setting I have discovered.

I maintain also package stubby, which might be a great fit into providing the service. Because dns over tls requires not only IP address of dns server, but also its name obtained with secure enough way. But I have not seen a way to specify it. But I thought, what if I wanted just primary forwarder to be directed to a service providing DNS over TLS, such as stubby? It configures forwarders, their names and certificate pins. dnsmasq might still provide ability to configure different domains going to different server on connected LANs. But if NetworkManager had option to send forwarder when DNS over TLS setting is on, it could provide per connection ability to use DNS over TLS over untrusted networks, but use plain UDP queries on trusted networks.

To work, it would require:

- manual configuration of stubby service to listen on alternative address, not on default localhost - Network Manager should start stubby.service after connection requiring dns over tls is activated. It might be possible to auto-start it by some systemd feature, but I think it won't know when it is no longer necessary this way. - Network Manager would replace DNS obtained from DHCP with stubby's address only on connections setting dnsovertls=yes. - Network Manager should stop stubby.service after all connections requiring it are disconnected.

I think it would require two new configuration options in NetworkManager.conf:

dnsovertls_ip= # whatever IP to use when it is activated
dnsovertls_service=stubby # what service to start and stop on connection activation

While I think here about dnsmasq and stubby combination, it might work also with different provider. I think dnscrypt might be possible example, altough I have never used it.

What do you think about that? Is even NM able to start or stop services? Should it even attempt to control some? Are there some alternatives, except using systemd-resolved only? I understand it manages its own configuration per interface. I think other implementations do not allow that. Would it make sense to simplify per-connection setting of secured DNS also in UI?

Is there any plan to configure per-connection configuration of SNI names for TLS services? Like dns.google for I am not sure most user needs it configured per connection, few profiles in one system might be enough. Has NetworkManager abilities or permissions to start or stop selected services? Should it try to do so? Are there other variants?

I were thinking about creating pull request, but I think I understand possibilities of NM already.


Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat, http://www.redhat.com/
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