On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 02:21:22PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> I have some very major structural hacking to do to wipe out the old canonical
> methods - and a quiet house to do so for the next two days.  I don't want to
> start warping the source as must be done till we have this 'good' tag so other
> folks can start looking for any remaining leaks and holes.

Can we do the canonical stuff in pieces rather than wholesale? IOW, add the
new functions into CVS and review. After that is stable, then start the
conversion process. (specifically, there was a lot of concerns all around
about how this stuff would be built/operate, so it seems prudent to do that
outline via actual code, agree on it, then to use it)

In a similar vein, when you added all that Unicode stuff, it just kind of
dropped into the code. No big deal as it was all Win32 specific (i.e. it
didn't affect my playground), but it was an awfully big change. Especially
in the semantics. We still haven't refactored the API into two sets of
functions (one for Unicode chars, one for 8-bit native).


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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