On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Cliff Woolley wrote:

> static file local threaded:
>           No keepalives                 Keepalives
>           --------------------------    ----------------------------
> no cache  154.54 req/s  879.06 KB/s     2432.63 req/s  13924.84 KB/s
> CacheFile 155.53 req/s  881.38 KB/s     2556.91 req/s  14581.54 KB/s
> MMapFile  155.03 req/s  878.55 KB/s     2660.11 req/s  15170.08 KB/s

so forgive my ignorance of apache 2.0... do any of these represent
sendfile() without userland caching?  'cause that should be the fastest
static file serving method on linux 2.4.x.


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