On Thursday 07 November 2002 09:17 am, Gary Armstrong wrote:
> Couple of questions from a true newbie:
> 1) How do you figure out the names of applications available to solve a
> particular need?

Depends on the need Gary. While you really don't need to know the names of 
applications in order to need them you do need to identify the process/job 
you want to perform. http://www.google.com/linux or just leave off the /linux 
at the end to search but it's better to start from a linux perspective since 
it's a GNU/Linux requirement that you are trying to fill. Right?

Also; with Mandrake 9.0 using KDE desktop environment you'll have a selection 
option under the "K" menu (analogous to the Windows "Start" button and in the 
same position) called "What to do." Many "every day" tasks are listed there 
by group and it may give you an inkling what you're looking for. Remember; 
> 2) In particular, I'm looking for the best FREE case tool. I'm trying to
> demo argo(is there a better one?). The home page didn't appear to have
> an rpm. How do I know if there is one out there in the ether? It also
> requires jre which doesn't seem to be installed on my mdk9.0 machine.
> Tried urpmi java and it doesn't appear to be on the CDs either, but not
> knowing what it's called, this could all be a newbie problem.

Is this where you looked? The project's "Home Page" at freshmeat is often a 
good place to start. As long as the you know the actual project name that is.


For RPMs of tools/applications/programs that aren't on your install disks the 
best place to find them is still (probably) Google, but there's also:

http://www.rpmfind.net/ or leave off the 'www' http://rpmfind.net/

which returns this in response to a search for argo:


For java support you'll have to be sure you don't have anything installed yet 
then look at:


but before you do anything about java I'd read the documents listed here:


or a Google search for "java docs" such as this:


You can always download the latest java runtime environment direct from Sun 
but you'll have to wade through a lot more to find information specific to 
GNU/Linux and it still won't be specific to Mandrake.
> 3) I've been using the Mozilla browser. Its download manager doesn't
> appear capable of restarting. That has already been painful. Can I get
> it to use a different download manager and what would that be? Is there
> some better way?

Every link I posted here was taken from the sites using the Mozilla browser. 
It's my internet browser of preference. If you close the download manager 
dialogue box it's the same as disconnecting and since partial downloads are 
in a temporary directory there's no data to resume from unless you know the 
proper command sequences. It's easier to learn about the ftp clients. The 
distribution has a number of ftp clients shipped with it, I would suggest you 
use one of those for downloads. After you find the data/download you want 
it's fairly easy to copy the link address from Mozilla and download from. In 
a terminal type:

man ftp

and you'll get a list of commands, options and a general idea of how to use an 
ftp client. Then come back here with "What the Hell does....mean?" and 
someone will usually be able to answer in a way that makes sense. OK? 
> 4) I've the seen the command to find rpms on the net go by several
> times, didn't think I'd need it soon. Sorry for the assumption, but
> what's the command to find rpms on the net?

I think we may have (partially) covered that for a specific app but I'm not 
sure whether you installed rpmfind on your machine. I also don't know what 
your connection is so i don't quite know what the answer should be. Yet. 
> 5) How much difference is there between linux distributions? As in, does
> the doc for one release apply to all? Is there some kind of enormous
> organized FAQ out there?

Tons. A better question would be; "How many developers work on each 
distribution?" since that would be closer than my flip answer. We don't want 
to start you out with things like "alien" etc. That comes later. <g>
> Gary

There should be a contrib directory in your "update_source" site's listings. 
You'll need to add it manually, since it's not on the disks, either from the 
command line or the GUI. Mandrake Control Center's Software Manager add 
source dialogue I mean.

Hope some of this helps Gary. Good luck.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first
thought of.
                -- Burt Bacharach

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