Keith Powell wrote:
Mandriva 2007 KDE is excellent, so I have been trying the Gnome desktop. In many ways I think that it is better than another very well-known Gnome specific distribution! However, I have found two problems which although they aren't vital, are annoying.

The panel clock won't show the 12 hour system. If this system isn't used in the selected country, then it won't be shown. However, we do use the 12 hour AM/PM system here in the UK. The installation is set up correctly for the "British English" language.

Secondly, GEdit won't spell check, and there isn't a language showing in the language selctor box.

Has anyone else had these problems and has sorted them, please?

I have spent a long time checking and rechecking everything, including reading the help files, but can't get anywhere.

Many thanks for any advice.

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Hi Keith

Probably not much help as I am on 2006 not 2007, but the panel clock on that
does have 12 hour as an option - rightclick on the clock and select preferences. I say probably not much help as no doubt the problem is in 2007. But it might
help. No idea about gedit


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