----- Original Message ----
From: rikona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: newbie@mandrivalinux.org
Sent: Monday, January 1, 2007 1:37:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Too much ram consumption in mandriva 2007. is there a way 
to reduce that?

On Monday, January 1, 2007, 11:44:00 AM, Miark wrote:

M> On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 07:40:23 -0800, rikona wrote:

>> M> Writing to NTFS is fine with Knoppix (I do it routinely)
>> ...It is a matter of reliability, as I understand it. Several
>> linuxes will write ntfs, but occasionally might trash the file
>> system beyond repair. Is Knoppix known to be 'bullet-proof' on ntfs
>> writes?

M> Pretty much. It (whatever "it" is) will only do what is reliable,
M> so if you try to write or delete a file and it cannot be done
M> safely, then it just doesn't do it. It's happened to me only a
M> couple times.

Very nice. Can you do massive writes reliably, like copying the
contents [say 100,000 files/dirs] of a 100 Gig partition?

Is there any documentation on this, showing what can and can't be
done? Or any fairly rigorous testing? I'm VERY interested in a linux
that is bullet-proof with ntfs writes - particularly one that can be
run from CD/DVD.

----cjs reply----
I dont think there was any documentation based on that..or if there was ive 
never seen it.
----end of reply----

 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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