MSGID: 111:4975/201 2c3e404b
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.3 F2C6811E
TID: GE 1.2
 Today, Wednesday 30-01-02, Fringe BBS - EWOG II (111:4975/201) received the
 following files.

 Area : DDSDOORS        Comment : DDS: BBS Doors and Games
 DTW-140.ZIP    202,884 ΥΝ΅     D T - W A L L   v1.4.0      ΖΝΈ
                        ³                                     ³
                        ³     An InterBBS Grafitti Wall       ³
                        ³                                     ³
                        ³        <<<< Features >>>>           ³
                        ³                                     ³
                        ³  Inter BBS Capable *{ REGISTERED }* ³
                        ³  Bad Word Filtering.                ³
                        ³  Bad User Lockouts.                 ³
                        ³  Bad User Twitting.                 ³
                        ³  Global Twitting via Inter BBS      ³
                        ³  Sysop Defined Lockout Period.      ³
                        ³  Five Different Backdrops.          ³
                        ³  Single or Multiple Input Modes.    ³
                        ³  Multiple Text Colours.             ³
                        ³  Top 15 Twits List.                 ³
                        ³  Maintainance Utility.              ³
                        ³  Deletes quotes older than 30 days. ³
                        ³  Deletes dead posters after 30 days.³
                        ³  Plus Much More.                    ³
                        ³                                     ³
                        ΤΝΝΝΝΝ P O S T C A R D  W A R E ΝΝΝΝΝΝΎ
 LATRIN32.ZIP   111,925 -= The Latrine v3.2 for LORD =-
                        It's FREE! The Latrine gets bigger
                        and better.  Added RIP! Put in a
                        hidden Inn. No more major bugs!
                        New Support By Vagabond Software
 OOII_120.ZIP   673,576 Operation: Overkill v1.20 BBS doorgame
                        The original wasteland BBS on-line
                        doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows
                        your users to battle against the evil
                        and vile Hydrites in preventing them
                        from conquering the planet.  Great
                        user interaction provides for revenging
                        subplots of bloodlust and conquering.
                        Compatible with most any BBS software,
                        fossil driver required of speeds 9600+,
                        multi-node aware! Telnet aware!
 988,385     bytes in 3   file(s)

 Total of 988,385 in 3 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 23 hrs per day, from 04:00-03:00.

 FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.
 Email freqs are allowed as well
  Subject: Blank   Body: FREQ HELP for help or filename/magic name
 FREQ for all files for TG related files for Rpg related files or for programming
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for questions

 Thanks, Scott (Using ALLFIX v5.13 build 3, "Simply the Best")

"They missed.  They never miss." - Delenn
--- Fringe BBS
 * Origin: Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721 (111:4975/201)

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