For Immediate Release
September 29, 2008 

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691
The FBI is on Track with Its Intelligence Mission
Your article "FBI Wrestling With Remake as Intelligence Agency" (U.S. News, 
Sept. 16) implies that the Federal Bureau of Investigation lacks determination 
or direction on tackling its intelligence mission. In reality, the FBI's 
Strategic Execution Team has employed best practices from the private and 
public sectors to identify what was working well in our intelligence efforts 
and how we could strengthen those efforts. We have standardized the 
intelligence work roles and processes across all field offices. We have added 
several weeks of updated hands-on training for field-office personnel, 
developed new policies and handbooks for field intelligence, and tasked the 
field offices to use these tools in new assessments of the potential threats in 
their areas. 
The field offices also need to know what they don't know and have a plan to 
fill in those gaps. To improve the number and quality of our human sources, we 
created special squads in every field office that will focus entirely on 
developing human sources and intelligence collection. In addition, we launched 
an effort to recruit, train and enhance the roles of intelligence analysts. 
All of this progress in the field is vetted personally by Director Robert 
Mueller on a regular basis over a classified video link. These sessions 
reinforce the need for leadership in the field and accountability. Some of the 
critics quoted in the Journal's piece seemed unaware of all this. We thought it 
would be useful to let them and your readers know. 
John Miller 
Assistant Director 
Federal Bureau of Investigation 
(As printed in The Wall Street Journal) 


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