Title: Message
I have submitted the following letter to The Guardian in response to Ian Black's "Tribunal's gaze shifts to safe haven in Bosnia
(5 July 2001).  Stella
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The Guardian

5 July 2001

Letter to the Editor

Ref: "Tribunal’s gaze shifts to safe haven in Bosnia. (5 July 2001 by Ian Black in Brussels)

To the Editor: 

Nothing makes my hackles go up more than when I read titles such as "Tribunals’ gaze shifts to safe haven in Bosnia," without giving the readers of The Guardian the "rest of the story."   Unfortunately, space does not permit me to address the other blatant discrepancies in the Black article. 

Mr. Akashi, former UN Representative in Bosnia, admitted in The Washington Times (1 Nov 95) that, "It is a fact that Bosnia government forces have used the ‘safe areas’ of not only Srebrenica, but Sarajevo, Tuzla, Bihac, and Gorazde for training, recuperation and refurbishing their troops." In other words, the so-called "safe-havens" were being used as military posts to train Mujahedin fighters from Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey and the whole Islamic world, free to commit their treachery by attacking Serbian villages and returning like thieves in the night back to the safety of their UN protectors, who conveniently look the other way to these violations. Prior to the events at Srebrenica, these "Holy Warriors of Islam" had attacked 14 surrounding Serbian village and had killed over 700 Serbian villagers without fear of being reprimanded or punished by the UN. Yet, when the Serbs were provoked to retaliate against these Muslim assaults from the so-called "safe-areas," they were condemned by the entire world.

Come on, Guardian, it’s past time for your readers to know the "rest of the story."


Stella L. Jatras

Sterlinv, VA, USA

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