*Iran The Score, the

*by Srdja Trifkovic*

In recent weeks the proponents of an American war against Iran have been
getting impatient with President Obama’s apparent unwillingness to get with
the program. Joe Lieberman, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Chairman, and Howard Berman, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, now press the
impose a short time limit on the effectiveness of the most
recent set of sanctions
<>imposed on Iran.
Lieberman told the FT the deadline should be the end of the
year: “Our goal here is to convince Iran to stop its nuclear weapons
development program by economic and diplomatic means if we can but (to make
clear) that we are prepared to use military means if we must.”

The outcome seems preordained, as in the same breath Lieberman said he
doubted the sanctions would prompt Iran to negotiate. Addressing the Council
on Foreign Relations on September 29 he said that “it is time to retire our
about all options remaining on the table. A week earlier Howard Berman
declared that the administration had “months, not years” to make sanctions
work, and that a military operation was preferable to a nuclear Iran.

A more sophisticated interventionist case was summed up by Jeffrey Goldberg
in “The Point of No
(*The Atlantic*, September 2010). Since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu is convinced that neither diplomacy nor sanctions will work,
Goldberg says, Israel will attack Iran soon if America does not do so. This
may trigger a chain of dangerous events which would get America involved
anyway, he warns; and since a nuclear-armed Iran is in any event a serious
threat to the interests of the United States, “perhaps the best way to
obviate a military strike on Iran is to make the threat of a strike by the
Americans seem real.”

It is impossible, of course, to make a threat *seem real* without *making it
real*; and once it *is* real, the issue is bound to be turned into one of
America’s credibility as a great power. Far from being “the best way to
obviate a military strike on Iran,” Goldberg’s recommended course is the
best way to commit the United States to war without openly saying so.

Lieberman was advocating the same course more forthrightly when he told the
CFR that it would be a “failure of U.S. leadership” if Israel launched a
unilateral strike on Iran: “If military action must come, the United States
is in the strongest position to confront Iran and manage the regional
consequences. This is not a responsibility we should outsource. We can and
should coordinate with our many allies who share our interest in stopping a
nuclear Iran, but we cannot delegate our global responsibilities to them.”
Lieberman’s line reflects rather neatly the view of Goldberg’s Israeli
interlocutors that “our time would be better spent lobbying Barack Obama to
do this, rather than trying this ourselves… We are very good at this kind of
operation, but it is a big stretch for us. The Americans can do this with a
minimum of difficulty, by comparison.”

The Pentagon begs to differ. Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, has often warned that a military strike against Iran might
open up a “third front” and have serious ripple effects throughout the
Middle East. He has also warned Israel of the consequences of an Israeli
attack on Iran, just as he had done, repeatedly, under Bush II.

The intelligence community presents a more formidable domestic obstacle to
the interventionist lobby. Its primary task, therefore, is to abrogate the
November 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on
concluded that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and
that the program remained frozen. Reflecting the consensus view of all 16
U.S. intelligence agencies, the NIE stated that Tehran would keep its
options open with respect to building a weapon, but that this could not
happen before the middle of next decade. It declared with “high confidence”
that a military-run Iranian program intended to transform that raw material
into a nuclear weapon had been shut down years earlier, “primarily in
response to increasing international scrutiny and pressure.” Rather than
painting Iran as an irrational rogue, the NIE said its “decisions are guided
by a cost-benefit approach rather than a rush to a weapon irrespective of
the political, economic and military costs.”

The ink was hardly dry on the Estimate when the proponents of
intervention developed
their line of 
it is a politicized attempt by the intelligence community, they argued, to
compensate for the exaggerations regarding Iraq’s alleged WMDs by
downplaying Iran’s capabilities. For almost three years now, they have
lobbied for a thorough revision. Their concerted efforts have led to several
postponements of an updated version. They have now come up with a comprehensive
list <> of “the right
questions … central to getting the right intelligence assessment—and setting
the right policy toward Iran.”

The outcome of the battle for the hearts and minds of the U.S. intelligence
community will become obvious soon, when the next Estimate is published. It
will be a clear indicator of who will prevail. The war in Iraq would have
been politically unfeasible had America’s spies not provided George W. Bush
with a deeply flawed assessment regarding Saddam’s possession of, or
intention to develop, weapons of mass destruction.

Five years ago I wrote in these pages that even with its unsurpassed
military capabilities, the United States would not be able to mount an
Iraqi-style invasion of Iran. An air campaign alone could cause a massive
anti-American Shia insurgency in southern Iraq, throwing the country into
utter chaos once again. Iran’s oil production would be halted, Saudi
production facilities attacked by gound-to-ground missiles, and the
strategic Strait of Hormuz—through which most of oil from the Gulf passes on
its way to the Far East and Europe—would be closed. The resulting global
energy crisis would make the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War pale by
comparison. Oil at $200 a barrel would throw us all into the depths of a new
recession, which may be coming even without the new Middle Eastern crisis.
Tehran would also have an incentive to support or even sponsor terrorist
attacks against the United States, and its proxy groups in Lebanon and the
Palestinian Authority would resume their terror campaign against Israel.
Last but not least, there would be a new crisis in trans-Atlantic relations,
far deeper than the one over Iraq.

The above assessment still stands. Even if Iran has nefarious ambitions, it
is years away from building her first device, and a change of pace would be
easily and swiftly detected by the U.S. agencies and others. The United
States should not risk a new, open-ended and risky commitment in the Middle
East over such ambitions. If Tehran seeks nuclear weapons—which is not the
same as being able to build or acquire them—it is merely following in the
footsteps of other regional powers, notably Israel, India, and Pakistan… a
country more inherently unstable, and potentially even more hostile to the
U.S. than Iran itself.

Israel may have every reason to feel threatened, of course, but it should be
up to Israel to consider its options and to act accordingly. It may well
decide on a robust response reminiscent of its action against the reactors
in Iraq and Syria, with all the attendant risks and uncertainties. It should
not expect the United States to do the job on its behalf, however. Those who
argue otherwise have an agenda that is not based on a pragmatic, realistic,
and rational appreciation of this country’s security interests.
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