Soros is a rich idiot.


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:21 PM
To: 'Balkan News';;;;;; 'SerbianNewsNetwork'; 'YUGO'
Cc: Global L
Subject: [Yugoland] Melanie Phillips in The Spectator on Soros/Trifkovic

Melanie Phillips

The open society and its enemy
Wednesday, 27th October 2010

George Soros has donated $1 million to a campaign to legalise cannabis in 
California. The Guardian reports:
The cash infusion, one week before Californians vote on a measure that would 
anyone over 21 grow and possess up to an ounce of marijuana and allow local 
councils to tax sales of the drug, marks the first major investment by Soros in 
the mid-term elections.
For several years now, the billionaire Soros has been effectively bankrolling 
the global campaign for the legalisation of drugs through his Open Society 
organisation. His influence in undermining western understanding of the crucial 
role of the law in containing the terrible individual and social effects of 
illegal drugs cannot be overestimated. But this in turn is but one aspect of 
astonishing influence Soros has bought for himself in undermining key cultural 
building blocks of western society. This important speech delivered a few days 
ago in the US by Srdja Trifkovic laid out the details:
Through his Open Society Institute and its vast network of affiliates Soros has 
provided extensive financial and lobbying support here for
> * Legalization of hard drugs: We should accept that “substance abuse is 
> endemic 
>in most societies,” he says. Thanks to his intervention the terms 
>“medicalization” and “non-violent drug offender” have entered public 
>and pro-drug legalization laws were passed in California and Arizona in the 
> * Euthanasia: In 1994 Soros—a self-professed atheist—launched his Project 
> Death 
>in America (PDIA) and provided $15 million in its initial funding. (It is 
>noteworthy that his mother, a member of the pro-suicide Hemlock Society, 
>herself, and that Soros mentions unsympathetically his dying father’s clinging 
>on to life for too long.) PDIA supports physician-assisted suicide and works 
>begin forming a network of doctors that will eventually reach into one-fourth 
>America’s hospitals” and, in a turn of phrase chillingly worthy of Orwell, 
>to “the creation of innovative models of care and the development of new 
>curricula on dying.”
>... Soros supports programs and organizations that further abortion rights and 
>increased access to birth control devices; advocate ever more stringent gun 
>control; and demand abolition of the death penalty. He supports radical 
>feminists and “gay” activists, same-sex “marriage” naturally included. OSI 
>states innocently enough that its objectives include “the strengthening of 
>society; economic reform; education at all levels; human rights; legal reform 
>and public administration; public health; and arts and culture,” but the way 
>goes about these tasks is not “philanthropy” but political activism in pursuit 
>of all the familiar causes of the radical left—and some additional, distinctly 
>creepy ones such as “Death in America.”
And of course, let us not forget Trifkovic dissects what lies 
all this:
Soros’s vision is hostile even to the most benign understanding of national or 
ethnic coherence. His core belief—that traditional morality, faith, and 
community based on shared memories are all verboten—is at odds even with the 
classical “open society” liberalism of Popper and Hayek, by whom he swears. His 
hatred of religion is the key. He promotes an education system that will 
neutralize any lingering spiritual yearnings of the young, and promote the loss 
of a sense of place and history already experienced by millions of Westerners, 
whether they are aware of that loss or not. Estranged from their parents, 
ignorant of their culture, ashamed of their history, millions of Westerners are 
already on the path of alienation that demands every imaginable form of 
self-indulgence, or else leads to drugs, or suicide, or conversion to Islam or 
some other cult.
>To understand Soros it is necessary to understand globalization as a 
>revolutionary, radical project. In the triumph of liberal capitalism, the 
>enemies of civilization such as Soros have found the seeds of future victory 
>their paradigm that seeks to eradicate all traditional structures capable of 
>resistance. The revolutionary character of the Open Society project is 
>in its relentless adherence to the mantra of Race, Gender and Sexuality. His 
>goal is a new global imperium based that will be truly totalitarian.
Few understand what an enormous and hideously destructive impact this one man 
has had on western and European societies. Soros is not just the man who 
famously (or infamously) broke the Bank of England through currency speculation 
a few years back. Through his billions he has been steadily reshaping western 
society to fit his own deeply questionable beliefs. Chilling.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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