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Dear News & Views reader:

Do you know who Morgan Spurlock is?  He’s the clod who ate noting but McDonald’s food 
three times a day for 30 days while avoiding anything that even remotely resembled 
exercise, and - get this - got fat!  

Well, Spurlock filmed his “experiment” and his “Supersize Me” documentary was all the 
rage at this year’s Sundance (Liberal) Film Festival.  Naturally, the trial lawyers 
who saw the film are salivating at the prospect of doing to fast-food what they did to 
tobacco...which means supersizing their already overweight piggy banks.

Worse yet, government do-gooders are hopping on the bandwagon and are looking to Big 
Brother to begin clamping down on what kids (it’s ALWAYS “for the kids,” isn’t it?) 
can and cannot eat.  Folks, believe me when I tell you, the Food Police are coming for 

Citizen Outreach is going to get a lot more involved in this issue.  The diet Nazis 
(not to mention the stinkin’ ambulance chasers) won’t stop until they have the 
coercive power of government telling you what YOU can feed YOUR own kids even in the 
privacy of YOUR own home.  And I’m looking to build a coalition of groups who might 
consider teaming up with us to take a stand against further encroachment by government 
into the raising of OUR kids.  

So if you’re a member of a parents group or a homeschool organization, etc., and might 
have an interest in this issue, send me an email with a little information about your 
group and we’ll see what we can do together to fight for our God-given right to eat 
Big Macs!  

Or not.  And that’s the point.  Whether we eat at Mickey D’s or serve Kraft 
macaroni-and-cheese at home should be OUR choice, not Uncle Sam’s.

If interested in more information, send your contact info to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

And pass the gravy, will ya?  Hold the peas.

Chuck Muth, President
Citizen (Burp!) Outreach

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