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The Senate vote on the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage is scheduled for a 
vote tomorrow.  And the GOP troops appear to have taken this issue of mass hysteria 
and converted it into an issue of mass confusion.  In military terms, what we have 
here is a good, old-fashioned phrase which begins with the word “cluster.”  I’m on my 
way down to Washington this morning to give a Hill briefing on the issue and hope to 
talk some political sense into our folks.  Talk about “mission impossible.”  In the 
meantime, read all about how the strategic wheels have come off this GOP-driven apple 
cart in today’s “Lawfully Wedded” update posted on our News & Views EXTRA page at:  


Is it time for Christians to get out of the political business and back into the 
social work business?

*  Amen and hallelujah
*  When Hades freezes over

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


“Some day, possibly, we shall see State-owned education disappear as we have seen a 
State-owned Church disappear. The relations between the State and education are as 
immoral and monstrous as those between the State and religion; and some day they will 
be so seen.”

- Author Alfred Jay Nock


“Although the John Kerry campaign enjoyed a rush of positive media coverage after 
announcing that John Edwards would be the Democratic candidate’s running mate, it is 
still locked in a dead heat with the Republican ticket, according to the first 
NEWSWEEK poll conducted since Edwards was tapped. Nearly 70 percent of all voters 
believe the selection of Edwards won’t make much difference in the outcome of the 
election, according to the poll.”

- Newsweek, 7/10/04


32-year-old Jeremy Katzmann is packing up the family in his native Wheatland, Wyoming, 
and moving to Florida.  So what, right?  Heck, people relocate every day.  

Ah, but Jeremy isn’t just any ol’ person.  He’s one of only three doctors in this 
small town and he’s being forced to close up his practice and move thanks to 
sky-rocketing medical malpractice insurance rates.  And why are insurance rates 
sky-rocketing?  Because of all the out-of-control lawsuits being brought by 
ambulance-chasing, slip-and-spill personal injury attorneys.

By the way, did we mention that vice presidential candidate John Edwards made his 
bones and fortune suing doctors just like Dr. Katzmann?

Oh, and as another aside, I often fail to mention that there are actually GOOD lawyers 
out there who conduct themselves professionally and with dignity and provide a 
much-needed service to our communities.  And I’ll be the luncheon speaker at a 
convention of such lawyers this Saturday in Milwaukee, where the Republican National 
Lawyers Association will be meeting to discuss, among many important topics, BALLOT 
SECURITY.  Hope to see some of you there.


The National Taxpayers Union Foundation just completed a study of John Kerry’s 
campaign proposals and estimate that a Kerry win in November would result in $226 
billion in additional federal spending just in his first year.


“(John) Kerry has long lacked a campaign theme. . . . As for Mr. Bush, he has matched 
Mr. Kerry almost vacuity for vacuity.  Yes, he want to persevere in Iraq and preserve 
his tax cuts.  What else?  A forward looking second-term agenda with thematic 
coherence and political punch has been AWOL.”

- Columnist Rich Lowry


The Las Vegas Sun headline screamed over the weekend: “NAACP Chairman Condemns Bush 
Policies.”  In other headlines:  “The Sun Rose in the East,” “Study Finds that Dogs 
Like Chasing Cats” and “Skunks Stink.”


"‘In a move sure to embarrass Republicans, Ron Reagan will address the Democratic 
National Convention this month,’ Knight Ridder Newspapers report. . . . Why exactly 
would this ‘embarrass’ Republicans? If Roger Clinton showed up to speak at the GOP 
convention, would the Democrats be embarrassed, or would they be glad to be rid of 

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 7/12/04


“Making the rounds today is a story hot off the presses that Ron Reagan, Jr. is going 
to address the Democratic National Convention this month. . . . Apparently Ron is 
going to speak about stem cell research. You see, the Bush administration is opposed 
to federal funding of stem cell research, which some say could one day help 
Alzheimer's patients like Ron Reagan's father. But the left and the media have done a 
good job making it sound like George Bush is banning the research outright; he's not. 
He's banning federal funding of it. 

“If there really was so much hope in stem cell research, wouldn't pharmaceutical 
companies be funding it themselves? Can you imagine how much a cure for Alzheimer's 
would be worth? And besides, can someone show me where in the Constitution it mentions 
funding stem cell research? You can't, because it doesn't.

“Nobody ever said common sense was genetic.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz


About that radio interview out in L.A. featuring border control chief Asa Hutchinson 
on the issue of “interior” sweeps for illegal aliens which we noted a couple days ago: 
 According to Christopher Parkes of the Financial Times of London, Hutchinson said to 
the producer of the John and Ken show immediately afterwards, “That was the most 
unruly host and interview I have ever been on."

Gee, maybe if Mr. Hutchinson had (a) answered direct questions with direct answers 
which addressed the direct questions asked things wouldn’t have been so hostile, and 
(b) maybe if Hutchinson hadn’t stopped the aggressive and highly successful 
enforcement effort by the Border Patrol instead of caving in to the radical open 
borders crowd, the entire interview wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place.


“Six rabbis in Los Angeles have...accused Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of 
resurrecting a Holocaust-era symbol of persecution by insisting that if illegal aliens 
are allowed to get driver's licenses, they must carry a mark making their immigration 
status clear to law enforcement. ‘You are a person of faith, an immigrant and one who 
has been a friend to the Jewish community for many years,’ they wrote the governor.  
‘In the strongest terms possible, we urge you to oppose any attempt to put hateful 
labels on California driver's licenses.’ One rabbi, Dan Moskovitz of Temple Judea, 
went so far as to compare the idea to the yellow stars that Jews in Germany were 
forced to wear on their clothing.

“It's unclear how identifying someone's immigration status is a symbol of hate. State 
driver's licenses already identify various restrictions on the holder, such as whether 
he or she needs corrective lenses. Playing the ‘yellow star’ card’ with a governor 
whose father was a member of the Nazi Party in Austria is a surefire way to get his 
attention, but not his respect.

“To equate a law enforcement tool that would probably be built into the magnetic strip 
on the back of the license and thus invisible to ordinary citizens with Nazi yellow 
stars is absurd and trivializes the Holocaust. Raising that incendiary issue only 
stiffens the opposition of those who believe that rewarding anyone who entered the 
country illegally with a license makes a mockery of the rule of law.”

- John Fund, Political Diary, 7/12/04


Michael Moore-wannbe Morgan Spurlock is taking his over-hyped crockumentary on the 
“dangers” of eating at McDonalds on the road to a school near you this fall.  And his 
PR flaks are asking for “letters of recommendation regarding the film and its message” 
to be included on this propaganda tour.  Here’s what I sent…

“I thought Mr. Spurlock's movie was a super-sized con job dedicated to super-sizing 
his wallet using techniques of deception surpassed only by Michael Moore.  Why won't 
Morgan release a copy of the diary he mentions in the movie showing EXACTLY what he 
ate and how much...including all the "snacks" he told MSNBC he sneaked in?  What's he 
trying to hide...other than the truth?  And why won't he appear with and/or debate any 
of the other folks who also went on 30-day McDonalds-only diets and LOST weight?  Did 
all those hamburgers turn him into a chicken?”

The bottom line is:  It’s about personal responsibility, not trying to shift blame to 
McDonalds if you eat like a pig.  If want to share your own opinions along these lines 
on “Super Size Me,” feel free to email ’em in to ol’ Morgan at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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