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Folks, I guess a few of you missed the column I referred to the other day, written by 
Pastor Bill Barnwell, who suggested that Christians should devote less time to working 
in the political arena and more time building their ministries.  THAT is the basis of 
the current “Survey Says!” question.  You should definitely read the column BEFORE 
voting.  If you haven’t read it yet, you can still find it at:  


Is it time for Christians to get out of the political business and back into the 
social work business?

*  Amen and hallelujah
*  When Hades freezes over

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


“When President Bush, for example, talks about the need to ‘protect’ the sanctity of 
marriage, his plea is a giant non sequitur because he does not explain what, 
precisely, he is protecting marriage against. No proponent of gay marriage wants to 
ban traditional marriage…  Defenders of the illiberal FMA should look to their 
churches, not Congress and the states, to maintain the sanctity of the marriage.”

- Prof. Richard A. Epstein of the Hoover Institution


“Short on votes and beset by internal divisions, Senate Republicans struggled Tuesday 
to salvage a respectable defeat for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, 
an issue that President Bush pushed toward the top of the election-year agenda.”

- Chicago Sun-Times, 7/14/04


The timing of the Senate vote on the federal marriage amendment was rushed and 
political.  Everyone knows it.  Those trying to “spin” it otherwise simply are being 
disingenuous (at best).  What the GOP wanted was a vote on FMA to use against 
candidates in the fall elections and during the upcoming Democrat national convention. 
 They’ve said all along the purpose of bringing up a bill they knew wouldn’t pass was 
to get everybody on record.  And they fully expected the Democrats to filibuster the 
bill, accepting that, in itself, as a vote against the marriage amendment.

Well, as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for.  

The Democrats threw the Republicans an unexpected major league curve by AGREEING to an 
up or down vote on the bill the Republicans said they wanted an up or down vote on.  
Why?  Because it turns out there’s even LESS support for this bad idea among 
Republicans than GOP leaders thought.  

What was expected to be a defeat which could be used for political advantage in 
November’s election started to look like a truly embarrassing defeat which would 
completely undermine the issue’s potency at the polls.  Recognizing the potential for, 
not just a defeat, but a humiliating Custer-like rout, Republicans begged the 
Democrats to allow the bill to be amended to new language which wouldn’t be so 
objectionable.  The Democrats, understandably, told them to pound dirt.

So what we now have is Republicans, basically, filibustering THEIR OWN BILL.  Good 
grief.  So instead of an up or down vote on the FMA itself, we’re looking at a 
procedural vote on “cloture,” which is likely to pick up more GOP votes than a vote on 
the bill itself.  And Republicans hope to then be able to call their effort a 
“success,” even though it won’t really be a vote on the merits of their constitutional 
amendment for which there is little actual support.  Ah, the games people play.

The vote on *something*...who knows what, furious backroom machinations are going on 
‘round the clock...is expected to take place around noon today.  Let’s hope 
Republicans wise up, take their well-deserved loss and drop this constitutionally dumb 
issue once and for all.  

But something tells me even Vegas wouldn’t make book on that happening.  Stupid is as 
stupid does.


Republican after Republican took to the Senate floor yesterday to wax poetic on the 
virtues and benefits of marriage.  And no one waxed on more than Sen. Jeff Sessions of 
Alabama.  He rattled off one benefit after another, after another, after another, and 
after another.  Married people are wealthier. Healthier. Happier.  Safer.  Have better 
sex lives.  Live longer.  Get better grades in school.  Better jobs.  Better pets.  
Better hair.  Fresher breath.  You name it; if it’s good, then married people get it.

Gee, why would gay couples want in on THAT action?


NAACP president Kewisi Mfume told convention attendees on Monday that black 
conservatives are nothing but puppets on whitey’s string.  “Like the ventriloquist’s 
dummies, they sit their in the puppet master’s voice, but we can see whose lips are 
moving, and we can hear his money talk.”  Gosh, I wonder why the President chose not 
to waste his time by speaking to this group?


“If [Ron Reagan Jr.] appears at that Convention -- and they politicize it through the 
Democratic Party Convention -- I think stem cell research is not only dead for the 
year, but maybe for a long time to come. I hope he reconsiders."

- US Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Orrin Hatch (R-UT), speaking Monday on MSNBC's 


“Congressman John Sullivan (R-OK) is learning what can happen when a candidate has a 
bitter falling out with a campaign consultant -- especially when that consultant knows 
a lot more about you than you'd ever want the public to know.

“GOP communications consultant Dave Pearson claims that Sullivan never paid him the 
money he was owed for work on Sullivan's successful primary upset victory in the 2002 
special election. ‘I plead guilty to being a disgruntled former consultant. I think 
you would be disgruntled too if he refused to pay you nearly $20,000 . . . Since I 
helped elect a dishonest crook and liar, I feel like I must repent for my sins,’ wrote 
Pearson in a press release this week.

“Pearson was so upset that Sullivan has failed to resolve the dispute -- even after 
Pearson filed an FEC complaint against Sullivan last year -- that he sent a letter to 
all of Sullivan's campaign contributors. In the letter, Pearson wrote that ‘Sullivan 
is the most dishonest, disingenuous and crooked politician I have ever known. . . . He 
is a liar because he repeatedly lied to me and others about his business background, 
his arrest records and many other things. He is a liar because he and his treasurer 
knowingly filed false financial reports in order to defraud the voters as to his debt.

“…’My only goal at this point is to let as many people as possible know what I 
know...that Mr. Sullivan is dishonest, a crook and a liar. I hope you will take this 
letter into consideration when you receive his next letter begging for more money.’ No 
response yet from Sullivan.”

- Ron Gunzburger, Politics1, 7/12/04


Every mornin' on the Hill you could see him arrive
Standing six-foot-four, weighing one-twenty-five
Kinda' scrawny at the shoulders and lacking a spine
And when he spoke at all, it was mainly to whine.
(Big John, Big John) Big Bad John. 
Nobody seems to know what's in John's soul 
His 'beliefs' are based on the latest poll 
Though he'll say what it takes to get your votes 
It's the leftist agenda that he really promotes
Big John. 
Some one said he came from Boston town 
Where he joined the Navy and gained renown 
'Earning' three purple hearts and one bronze star 
The home folks said, "This boy will go far"
(Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John) 
Then came a day back in '71 
When he renounced all the medals that he had won 
Then turned against his country and his Navy friends 
And sold them out for his own selfish ends  
(Big John) 
He appeared before Congress and on left-wing talk shows 
Giving aid and comfort to America's foes 
It was clear to see whose side he was on 
Some say he helped cause the fall of Saigon 
Big John. (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John). 
He claims to be for the working poor 
Yet he owns 5 mansions from shore to shore 
He never had to work a day in his life 
‘Cause he learned it helps to have a wealthy wife!  
Big John 
Now he wants to be our next President
and Commander-in-chief of those he resents: 
The American soldiers who fight and die 
To give him the freedom to tell us his lies
(Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John) 
Thousands have sacrificed their young lives 
To help ensure that our nation survives 
A vote for Kerry is a slap in the face 
To all the brave soldiers that he's disgraced 
(Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)

- Forwarded by a News & Views reader, author unknown

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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