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August 5, 2004
3:57 p.m.

Things in Illinois are moving at a lightning pace.  Don’t be surprised to see Alan 
Keyes accept the GOP’s invitation to be their U.S. senate candidate after all.  He’ll 
have to address the issue of his remarks about Hillary being a carpet-bagger four 
years ago...but he’s handled FAR tougher questions in the past.

The possibility of a Keyes campaign for the U.S. senate is the first thing to get my 
political juices really flowing in a LONG time.  The high-cost of “compassionate 
conservativism” has really sucked the life and energy out of a lot of 
limited-government conservatives for a few years now.  A Keyes campaign could be a 
much-needed shot in the arm for our troops. Say a prayer and keep your fingers 
crossed. Then buckle up…’cause this could end up being one hell of a ride.

I’m setting up a separate Discussion Board page just on this issue.  What do YOU think 
about a possible Keyes senate campaign in Illinois?

Post your thoughts and read what others are saying by going to:  

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