>From: "Vikas Gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Im using the non-windows OS version. Im not using any handlers from your 
>database. Is there a way to stop/turn off the functionality that goes to 
>your database first?

I was going to ask about this too.

I run NewsClipper every 5 minutes while the Markets are open to update the 
prices on 20-odd stocks, and then have a CGI script that rips out some of the 
actual values and does some maths to give me a running total on holdings, etc.

So when the server is down, I get an email every 5 minutes.  Because the handler 
might change once every month or so.  This is, to put it bluntly, *insane*. =O(

Why can't it just check for a new handler once a day or something?  Why can't we 
tune how often it checks, just like we can tune the handlers for how often they 
check the data they read?  Add an option in the config file of the same format?

Then Vikas can set it to never, I can set it to 9pm, and the default is the 
current setting or 4-hourly or something.  As NewsClipper gets more popular, 
it'll also cut down on the packet storming of your server, no?


---------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful---------
o o                                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
/v\ark R. Bowyer.    http://Moredhel.i.am    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
`-'  "Micro$oft have performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"

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