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[28] Becks goes long sleeve
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
He'll wear a long sleeve shirt to cover up his tattoos and not offend any locals

Umbro spokesperson

"David always wears long sleeved shirts when he plays for England. The players all 
have a choice and with the hot weather in Japan many are likely to opt for short 
sleeves. But not David."

[27] McCarthy not happy with Quinn
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
over his attempts to try  and get the issue resolved, the SUN claims McCarthy will 
resign after the World Cup


"Mick was annoyed with me. But I was trying to make us all winners. I'm devastated 
because I came very close to getting him back and he will never know that and never 
thank me. Roy has had one of the most difficult weeks any human has had to put up 

[26] More Sven on Becks
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
"All the world is concerned about the left foot of Beckham. They have been for weeks. 
I'm not fed up with talking about him. He is one of the top figures in world football 
and certainly one of the most well-known. He might not be more famous than Zidane or 
Ronaldo but he's certainly on that level. If you have all the other players fit, you 
can have one who maybe isn't fit for game one. If he is not fit for game two, then I 
think it is unfair he stays. We are not gambling on Beckham but, maybe, we are a 
little with Dyer."

[25] Bobby Charlton on no Keano
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
"It is a tragedy. Maybe not enough was done to solve the problem."

and that coming from Bobby C is akin to much worse than anything Keano is alleged to 
have said to McCarthy

[24] FA on Becks
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
FA spokesman Paul Newman: 

"With this sort of injury it is normal to do X-rays after one, three and six weeks. 
We've done those so another isn't necessary. We don't want to pump him full of 

[23] Sven proud of Becks' training
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
"David Beckham and all the other injured players have been working around the clock to 
recover. We have two treatment rooms at our World Cup camp and, whether it's seven in 
the morning or an hour after midnight, there are always players in there on the 
running machines. David has always been very focused on playing in the first match. 
One week after suffering his injury, he said he'd be ready for the Sweden game. He is 
an excellent pro and extremely keen to play in the World Cup. All the players have 
seen how he is in training and are very happy that he's back."

[22] United's share price
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
yesterday ended at 125, up 7

[21] The new power at United
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Guardian

'A little known multi-millionaire with close connections to Irish horse racing has 
emerged as a new power at Manchester United after buying almost all of the former 
chief executive Martin Edwards' shares.

Harry Dobson, a 54-year-old Scottish-born mining magnate who is said to be a dollar 
billionaire, yesterday bought 6.5% of the club from Edwards for around £20m. Last year 
two Irish horse-racing associates of the United manager Sir Alex Ferguson emerged as 
the club's second biggest shareholders after BSkyB.

However, sources in Ireland played down suggestions of a relationship between Dobson 
and Ferguson's friends John Magnier and JP McManus. "They are not known to be mates," 
said one senior business figure in Ireland.

"They might know each other but they don't hang out together." Dobson, in a statement 
issued through the club, insisted he was merely buying for investment purposes. "It is 
the best quality stock in an out-of-favour sector," he said, referring to the low 
values that have recently been attached to football shares.

Friends of Dobson said they did not believe he was a United fan. "I've never heard him 
talk about football," said one friend. "He is very low profile and private but a 
wonderful man." 

The transaction is also likely to hasten the end of a relationship the Edwards family 
has had with the club since the Sir Matt Busby era. Edwards, who has often been at 
odds with Ferguson, is unlikely to remain on the board for long, according to club 

Edwards has just a few thousand shares left in the club and is said to be an 
increasingly marginal figure at Old Trafford.

Friends last night said they were baffled at his decision to sell out at a time when 
the club's share price was so low after years of turning down prospective buyers. "I 
really don't know why he has done it," said a source close to Edwards.

Dobson made his millions through a series of investments in Canadian mining companies, 
including a gold prospecting business, and property deals. He is also thought to keep 
around 20 horses with the Irish-based trainer Jim Bolger.

The announcement of the trade sparked feverish speculation on the stock market that a 
bid for United could be in the offing from Irish investors. '

[20] Ipswich qualify for UEFA Cup
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Because they got one of the lottery draw allocations made by UEFA yesterday to become 
one of the two teams entered for topping the FAIR PLAY awards. Well, they actually 
finished 4th in the Premiership Fair Play award but us, Newcastle and the Mickeys have 
already got into Europe.

[20] Ipswich qualify for UEFA Cup
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Because they got one of the lottery draw allocations made by UEFA yesterday to become 
one of the two teams entered for topping the FAIR PLAY awards. Well, they actually 
finished 4th in the Premiership Fair Play award but us, Newcastle and the Mickeys have 
already got into Europe.

[19] PLC say no to Thuram?
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
According to the Guardian. Maybe Our Martin can donate some of his share money to the 
transfer kitty.

>From the Guardian

'Sir Alex Ferguson's attempts to sign Lilian Thuram for Manchester United have been 
thwarted by the club's plc. 

Juventus are demanding £20m for Thuram, who will be 31 in January, and Ferguson has 
been told to seek an alternative. Barcelona's Philippe Christanval, who is unhappy at 
the Nou Camp after only a season there, is believed to be the United manager's target.'

[18] More Sven
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "I knew that they were very happy with the last x-ray they did, and they had a lot of 
talks with the medical staff at Manchester United. They're working together and I 
think they've decided it's not necessary to do another one. The most important thing 
is that we are sure that a small tackle, a normal tackle, couldn't break the bone 
again and put him out for six months or even longer. You can't go to a player and say, 
'Now, tackle Beckham.' It will come automatically. And he'll tell me if he's fit or 
not. We have doctors, masseurs, physios, coaches and managers, but at the end there's 
only one person who can tell me if he's fit or not, and that's him. It's sport. I 
would never tell a player to do that against an opponent. And I think the managers of 
Sweden would be the same."

[17] Sven on Becks
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
"For me he's never been 50-50 and certainly he's never been out. From what the 
doctors, the masseurs and the physios said, we always thought he would be fit for the 
Sweden game and the worst that could happen would be if not Sweden, OK, then 
Argentina. He's always been very focused on playing the first game. One week after the 
injury he said, 'OK, I'll be ready.' While we were still in England, Manchester 
United's doctors were convinced he would be ready. And our medical staff have said the 
same.  He did a session this morning and he did everything. Free-kicks, some corners, 
a lot of shooting, a lot of running, without any pain at all. Hopefully there will not 
be a reaction. If things go on as we hope, yes, he will start. It helps a lot. Until 
this week we couldn't be sure who would play at outside-right. We have a lot of 
options, but we don't have another David Beckham."

[16] cuddly Pete mania
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
He also said that United, through franchises, plan to open 10-15 Red Cafes in China.

[15] cuddly Pete does a Forrest Gump
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
keep on running. After the RN team spotted him jogging along the beach in Coruna, he 
has told BBC online that he's running the Beijing Marathon in October

"We're still relatively new in (the Chinese market) but we've got a huge name 
awareness. We're still at the stage of understanding exactly what is the right way for 
us to enter the China market...China will get the Nike products at exactly the same 
time as Manchester, it's a truly global launch...If you look at our revenues, less 
than 1% comes from our international business, yet we're a brand with 50 million fans, 
40 million of which are outside the UK...it's...about building exposure... building 
football and then looking for business opportunities, brand extension coming from our 
core activity of football. I never cease to be amazed by the growth, the passion for 
football and their (Chinese) ability once they get behind a project to actually make 
it work."

[14] A World Cup omen
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
France lost the European Championship under 21 Final on penalties to the Czech 

[13] Order a RN sub ONLINE!
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

To order the 10 issue sub to be sent to a UK address click on



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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 


[12] And these are the people running the game...
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Telegraph

'Twenty-four hours before his attempt to secure re-election as FIFA president, Sepp 
Blatter was booed off the podium at the organisation's extraordinary congress and 
became involved in an ugly physical confrontation with his chief opponent.

These setbacks came amid chaotic scenes as Blatter refused to allow 15 countries to 
ask potentially damaging questions about FIFA's finances. Even diehard supporters were 
dismayed by the way Blatter tried to prevent a free and proper discussion.

At the end there was an encounter on the podium between Blatter and Issa Hayatou, the 
FIFA vice-president who is challenging for the presidency. One senior executive member 
feared Blatter might be punched by Hayatou, who stormed out, shouting: "This is 

[11] More of what Mick said to Keano
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:

"Yes, picking and choosing matches was something that was mentioned (in the Saipan 
meeting). I'm not bothered about friendlies, and yes, the Iran game was mentioned."

After his performance in the first game, when  hadn;t played for United before and was 
affected by that knee injury, no wonder it hurt Keano.

[10] Quinn lays responsibility at McCarthy's door
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
"In the meeting Mick effectively ended any chance of Roy Keane appearing in the World 
Cup finals. All 22 of us voted unanimously to back him (McCarthy)...no one here feels 
good about what's happened and we feel devastated for him....it was a very hard five 
to ten minutes alone in the room with just the players.  There was no lobbying, 
everyone was asked their opinion, every single player, and we came out of that meeting 
with the statement as you see it. I think after you have spoken to Mick you'll 
understand we had no alternative."

[9] The mists clear
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Many people have been asking what made Keano finally snap in the players meeting. 
Obviously the fact that a private one to one now had over 25 people present was one 
reason, but at last McCarthy begins to slip up...

Mick McCarthy

"We should not forget what happened and what was said (in the meeting). This business 
is not of my choosing but I was called all sorts of things and I didn't have to accept 
it.  Yes, picking and choosing matches was something that was mentioned. But I was 
told I could not manage or that I could not coach."

So the manager questioned Keane's commitment - questioning Keane on that of all 
issues. Pah!

[8] Quinn speaks again
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Is he training at all or just holding press conferences

"If he (Keane) had apologised on TV he would have been on his way to Japan right now 
-- there was a plane booked"

[7] OH NO!
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
A RN contributor on his way to Japan late last night rang us to tell us who was on his 
flight out - Arsene Wenger. Fate can be cruel.

[6] A Red Perspective
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
This was posted on the forum of this site yesterday. To pass comment join the 
'Wimbledon' thread on the forum

While the Keane media-frenzy continues another row is bubbling away with the decision 
to let Wimbledon move to Milton Keynes. As an aside, I wonder if someone noted the 
Keane story and advised Wimbledon that "today is a good day to bury this story". 

Although this is an issue concerning Wimbledon Football Club, there are quite 
obviously implications here that could easily affect any football team. My opinion can 
best be described by applying a small United twist to the scenario.

For those who don't know me, I live in the heart of rural North Somerset and have to 
endure a 7 hour round trip to indulge my red passions. What I got to thinking about, 
when this story broke, was how I would feel if United announced they were moving to 
Bristol (which is about 20 minutes away).

On a purely practical level, if the reds decided to play at Ashton Gate instead of Old 
Trafford life would be easier for me, I'd no longer have to take time off work for 
mid-week evening matches and I'd save myself a whole load of time. And do you know 
what? It would make me physically sick.

Our club is a Manchester club; the roots, traditions, myths, legends, passions, highs, 
lows, heart, soul and spirit of the club are in Manchester. Any move to relocate 
United would be blasphemous, a slap in the face of the loyal red army and an insult to 
the memory of the Flowers.

Anyone surprised that an "out of towner" is so passionate about Manchester being the 
club's home? I doubt many true reds reading this would be surprised at all, genuine 
fans (of any colour) know what it's about and know how it makes you feel. For any 
neutrals reading this, I CHOSE to make Manchester my spiritual football home. Not only 
do I consider the travel, time and using my holidays up as a price worth paying, I 
don't even notice, in fact I wouldn't change a thing about it!

But I'm in danger of digressing now - my point (yes I do have one) is that this 
Wimbledon move is WRONG. If you agree then just stop for a moment, imagine it is your 
team being relocated and then give me your answer again.

There are some issues that transcend club loyalties, this is one of those issues.

by ageek

[5] Two days to join the Dream Team
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
We've set up our own RED NEWS mini-league which you can join if you join the Dream 
Team World Cup Fantasy Football using our link below. The winner gets £50,000 so its 
not to be sniffed at [although what you spend your winnings on is up to you].

We've checked out all the World Cup fantasy football games in the papers and   
 The Sun definitely has the best one. There's £100,000 of cash prizes including a 
£50,000 first prize. 

You can join our league for RED NEWS readers - or you can just register on your own if 
you're a miserable git who's scared of getting your arse kicked. We'll give the 
password out later so you can put your team into the RED NEWS mini league.

You have an imaginary £50million to spend on 11 of the world's top players. The better 
your lads do on the pitch, the more points you score. And points mean prizes! [Look at 
what you could have won, nothing in this game for two in a bed - although the editor 
claims he once scored with 5 in a bed on a Euro Away but that's another story]

It costs £5 per team [RED NEWS gets 50p of this], but you need to be quick as 
registrations close at 12.30pm on Friday May 31.

Awarded seven or more in SunSport's player ratings 3 
Star Man in SunSport's player ratings  5 
Goal Scored 5 
Scoring three or more goals per game 5 
Clean Sheet (keeper/defender)  5 
Conceded more than one goal (keeper/defender)  -1 per goal  
Booking -1 
Sent off  -3 
Appearance per match in each of the last 16 matches 3 
All points scored during last 16 matches Doubled 
Top individual points scorer bonus 20 


[4] Dates for your diary
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
By Big Kev

By the time you read this it will be less than 365 days away. Lets hope we have a 
stonking hangover & have just drunk Manchester dry a year today.

We enter Europe at the 3rd preliminary round. It will probably get drawn as us against 
the winners of a 2nd round tie, so we may not know who are we going to play until 
August 7th. This will mean we will only have 1 week between finding out who we play in 
the qualifiers & the 1st leg - cutting it fine booking the away leg - although we can 
at least book the time off in July.

There is an outside chance we could get another team entering the competition at the 
same round. This happened to Munich 1860 2 years ago when they drew Leeds.

Draw for 3rd preliminary round: Friday, 26 July 2002

2nd prelim round completed 7th August,

3rd prelim round:  15th & 29 August

Draw for 1st group stage: Thursday, 29 August 2002      

1st Group stage dates:  17/18 September 2002 (Match Day 1); 24/25 September 2002 (MD 
2); 1/2 October 2002 (MD 3); 22/23 October 2002 (MD 4); 29/30 October 2002 (MD 5); 
12/13 November 2002 (MD 6).     
2nd Group stage draw: Friday 15 November 2002   

2nd group stage date:  26/27 November 2002 (MD 7); 10/11 December 2002 (MD 8); 18/19 
February 2003 (MD 9); 25/26 February 2003 (MD 10); 11/12 March 2003 (MD 11); 18/19 
March 2003 (MD 12).     
1/4 & semi final draw:  Friday 21 March 2003

1/4 final dates:  8/9 & 22/23 April 2003        

Semi final dates:  6/7 & 13/14 May 2003 

Final - 28th May 2003

[3] Ray Houghton on Keano statement
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:

Former Republic of Ireland international Ray Houghton admitted the loss of Keane was 

"The bad news is we have now lost our inspirational captain. It's sad for Roy as he's 
going to be remembered as the man who was sent home from the the World Cup. He was 
adamant he was in the right and it had to be Mick McCarthy and the players who had to 
apologise to him. I think Mick would have accepted an apology. If there was one and it 
was sincere I think Mick would have taken him back because he knows how important he 
is to the Irish squad."

[2] Red News summer offer
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Red News published 9 issues last season, of which we have limited stocks of 8 still 
available. As a special offer you can purchase ALL eight issues together with a FREE 
copy of Red News' book celebrating the Nou Camp triumph in 1999 - European Glory - all 
for the bargain price of just £13.50 including postage and packing. This is a must 
have offer so go on!

8 issues + book for £13.50 inc p&p in the UK
8 issues + book for £16 inc p&p in Europe and rest of the world.

Send your order by cheque, made payable to Red News, to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG or you can now order by credit card. click on


[1] 80+ stories yesterday
Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by bar-knee:
Biggest ever. Scroll down for anything you missed. Keano's no return statement. Our 
Martin's share ditch (for a crust) and Veron's Juve hint...

[82] Keane's statement 
Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2002 by bar-knee:
"In the interests of all genuine supporters of Irish football I believe that the time 
has now arrived when I should bring to a conclusion the continuing speculation with 
regard to my participation in the World Cup and for the players to concentrate fully 
on their preparations for the competition free from all further distraction.  Whilst I 
appreciate all the support which I have received and all the efforts which have been 
made by a number of people on behalf of all the parties involved in this unfortunate 
matter, I do not consider that the best interests of Irish football will be served by 
my returning to the World Cup.  The damage has been done. I wish the team and the 
management all the best and they will have my full support throughout the competition. 
 I urge all the people of Ireland to give their entire support to the team"

[82] Keane wishes the best to the Irish team
Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From ireland.com

'News is filtering in that Roy Keane will definitely not travel to the World Cup in 
Japan. In a statement issued by the former Irish captain, Keane said he believed the 
interests of the Irish team would best be served if he did not travel. More to 
follow... Speculation mounted earlier that Keane was preparing to fly to Japan within 
to rejoin the Republic of Ireland squad.'

[81] RN Irish snout says
Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2002 by bar-knee:
Keane's advisors were apparently involved in discussions how to resolve this and get 
him back. But, rightly so, he did not want to say sorry over an incident where he 
feels wronged. With McCarthy saying he will only go to the squad for a decision to be 
made when sorry is sad there is the unbreakable impasse. But at one stage this 
afternoon parties involved did feel confident that Keano would be going to Japan. 
Again the continual statements of veiled criticism from the Irish camp directed at our 
magic hat wearer seem to have put the final nail into any hopes.

[80] Keane issues statement - no to return
Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2002 by bar-knee:
Issue is now over, he won't be returning. Statement to follow later on 
www.rednews.co.uk NEWS AS IT BREAKS, 24 hours a day

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