Good morning,

I am curious to know if recording stations in the Northeast have experienced, 
numerically – with respect to quantity of night flight calls, a reduced number 
of migrants this spring as compared to past years. My perception is that there 
was a noticeable lack of birds moving throughout certain regions of the 
Northeast this spring. Conversely, did recording stations elsewhere (perhaps in 
the mid-west) record higher numbers of migrants this spring?

On the ground, for example, I don't ever remember a year when I only heard or 
saw 2-3 Blackpoll Warblers. Period. Usually, I would hear or see several 
Blackpoll Warblers on any given day over the course of a few days during the 
peak movement for this species. Of course, maybe a mass die-off of Blackpoll 
Warblers and other migrants went unnoticed this past fall or this spring, 
similar to the infamous mass die-off from 2-3 October 2011 at the Laurel 
Mountain wind facility in West Virginia. See:
 Note: it is suggested these birds succumbed to exhaustion from becoming 
trapped in the sphere of fog-reflected light produced by a lighted substation, 
which was accidentally left on overnight at the facility, rather than actual 
deaths caused by direct turbine strikes.

I know there was a memorable weather-related fallout on the Gulf Coast of Texas 
this past 25-27 April 2013. See:
 It makes me wonder if it is at all possible for unfortunately-timed severe 
weather-related events, during key trans-Gulf crossings, to result in 
population-wide declines of neotropical migrants.

Or, is this just an anomalous year as a result of the negative phase of the 
North Atlantic Oscillation, producing unfavorable conditions for nocturnal 
movement of small passerines into the Northeast. In possible scenarios like 
this, do boreal neotropical migrants favor an alternate springtime route that 
may carry them North, up the Mississippi Flyway to a point North of the Great 
Lakes, allowing them to then catch the prevailing West wind in an Easterly 
direction to their breeding grounds? If such a scenario were to play out, how 
do first spring individuals learn of these routes? Do they follow the masses?

Interestingly, I'm finding that the cuckoos seem most unaffected by minor 
Northerly airflow at night (such as the night of 2-3 June). I'm sure their body 
size and wing length have everything to do with the ability to migrate into a 
headwind as compared to smaller passerines, such as warblers. Last night, in 
calm to light winds, I recorded 7 different Black-billed Cuckoos and a single 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, plus a single Virginia Rail, one Alder Flycatcher, one 
Swainson's Thrush, and a single Indigo Bunting.

Unfortunately, I was not recording sooner this spring in Etna, NY, so don't 
have a good comparison of this year to last year (for peak migration); however, 
I did get out as much as possible to a migrant stopover patch on most mornings 
(see the Hawthorn Orchard: and check eBird for 
this site). My perception from daytime observation was a serious lack of 
neotropical migrants, yet with a reasonable amount of resources (insect larvae) 
for them to feed upon. This was one of the more memorable springtimes for me, 
with respect to flowering trees. I don't recall a time in the recent past of a 
springtime with the same amazingly full quantity of flowers remaining on the 
trees for as long as they did, yet with so few migrants. Though, perhaps in 
actuality there may have been fewer food resources (insect larvae) available 
than in past years, due to the cooler weather this spring (in the Northeast).

If weather conditions correlate as closely to food resource availability as is 
probably the case, perhaps the birds use weather-related cues to avoid 
migration routes that may lead through regions with a dearth of food resources 
as compared to routes through other regions with high food resources. Or, 
perhaps there was a mass die-off in the Gulf this spring or the Atlantic and/or 
Gulf last fall, or at nighttime lighted facilities on unfortunately 
fog-enshrouded nights. It all seems so speculative without looking at long-term 
population trends in different regions. I think it will be interesting to watch 
for the comparative results from this year's Breeding Bird Surveys to past 
Surveys and of Surveys to come in future years, as well as the gradual 
accumulation of records in eBird.

Thanks for any thoughts and input on this!

Chris T-H

Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
Field Applications Engineer
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850
W: 607-254-2418   M: 607-351-5740   F: 607-254-1132


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