Ted and other interested parties,
I ran the HYSPLIT model (page to runyour own HYSPLIT) on your Sept 29, 2008 
date to see what the 6-hr backward trajectories would look like to get to your 
patch by 6AM.  The corresponding plots are here:


You can take a look at those in Google Earth or Google Maps for best 
discrimination of the 6-hr backward trajectories.  If you zoom out and look at 
the general pattern, there must be a high pressure system rolling in from the 
northwest as the trajectories seem to fly these birds from Nebraska/South 
Dakota and back them into the Front Range.  I haven't checked the cloud cover 
or anything like that because you would likely know the information about that 
from in-situ observations.

For further maps, check these out (mean sea-level pressure):

There is a frontal passage at about 00 UTC (the first map), then the high 
pressure system rolls in over time.  The frontal passage seems to be the 
trigger in this case and in a lot of cases with a frontal passage, there is 
along-front flow like what is backing the birds into the Front Range of 
Colorado.  It is always hard to tell how the along-front flow will pan out as 
it depends on a lot of factors (location of the bird or birds on the front, 
depth of front, speed of frontal propagation to name a few).  

If you can pinpoint a better time for the movements that you wanted to target, 
we can be even more accurate, but for now this was my crack at it.

Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO


NFC-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nfc-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NFC-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NFCL.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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