No hesitation on my part: BARN OWL. Nice recording, Geoff, and thanks for sharing!
Sincerely, Chris T-H Sent from my iPhone On May 27, 2017, at 23:06, Geoff Malosh <<>> wrote: With the attachment this time … sigh. Geoff From: Geoff Malosh [] Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 11:05 PM To:<> Subject: Barn Owl (?) - southwestern Pennsylvania Hi folks, Hope everyone is having a good spring season. I wanted to run the attached call by this list before making a definitive statement about it .. to me this sounds like a perfect match for Barn Owl. The reason I hesitate is two-fold: first, I have no personal experience with this species’ NFC, and second, it is an extremely rare species in my area (southwestern Pennsylvania). The clip is 30 seconds long and the bird calls at around 3 seconds and at 28 seconds. These are two of four calls in the series. The two calls not included are much fainter and on either side of the two in the attached recording, in other words, this seemed pretty clearly to be a bird on the move and not some local animal near the microphone making a screeching sound. The attachment is about 1.3 MB so I hope it goes through, per the Lyris upgrade that Chris mentioned earlier this year. Best regards, and good listening. Geoff Geoff Malosh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania<> -- NFC-L List Info: Welcome and Basics<> Rules and Information<> Subscribe, Configuration and Leave<> Archives: The Mail Archive<> Surfbirds<> Birding.ABA.Org<> Please submit your observations to eBird<>! -- <UnknownLF(2calls)_20170524_023219+002805.wav> -- NFC-L List Info: Welcome and Basics � Rules and Information � Subscribe, Configuration and Leave � Archives: The Mail Archive � Surfbirds � Birding.ABA.Org � Please submit your observations to eBird! �� --