Soumya Koduri [] wrote:
> Right. But even on success, "retval" need not be set until the
> thread exits with a value other than NULL.
> From the manpage,
> >>>
>        If retval is not NULL, then pthread_join() copies the exit
> status of the target thread (i.e., the value that the target thread
> supplied to pthread_exit(3)) into the location pointed to by
> *retval. If the target thread was canceled, then PTHREAD_CANCELED is
> placed in *retval.
> <<<<<

The retval that the man page refers there is actually passed in arg to
pthread_join. This is never null in your case as you pass &retval.

> So to check if the retval is not NULL or if thread in fact had exit
> with a value, had declared it as pointer.

You don't need to declare it as a pointer if your thread exits with an

> No at present, we do not see these messages as UP_THREAD returns
> NULL on exit.

The only way the existing code makes sense is if your upcall thread
exits with a pointer. An integer exit should cause the code crash. Are
you really intending to return a valid pointer from your upcall thread
rather than an integer?

Regards, Malahal.

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