On 06/18/2015 10:33 PM, Malahal Naineni wrote:
> Soumya Koduri [skod...@redhat.com] wrote:
>> I thought pthread_exit() always returns a pointer which gets assigned to
>> retval of pthread_join(). I assume this is the flow -->
> pthread_exit() does take a "void *", since it is "void *", it is up to
> you whether to really pass some pointer or some "casted" integer.
> In fact, PTHREAD_CANCELED is actually ((void *) -1)
>> pthread_join (thread, void **retval_join)
>> pthread_exit (void *retval_exit)
>> On exit,
>> *retval_join = retval_exit;
>> I tried a sample program as per your suggestion.
>> int ret1;
>> pthread_join (thread, (void **)&ret1);
>> int ret2 = 1;
>> pthread_exit (&ret2);
>> After pthread_join, ret1 has address of ret2 instead of its value.
>> i.e, this led to
>> ret1 = &ret2;
>> Please correct me if I am missing something.
> Had you used pthread_exit((void*)ret2) or better pthread_exit((void*)1),
> ret1 would have the integer 1. This seems to be the standard practice.
> If you really want to pass a pointer to pthread_exit(), make sure that
> the thread that called pthread_join() will be able to access such
> memory. Too much hassle, that is why most people just cast integers if
> they just need integer returns.
> It is up to you but I feel that the code gets unnecessarily complicated
> by returning a real pointer from the upcall thread.

Okay. Thanks for sharing. I shall fix it as part of the improvements 
which we expect to do soon.


> Regards, Malahal.

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