On 10/17/2016 08:51 PM, Maxim Dounin wrote:
>> On 10/03/2016 08:43 PM, Rastislav Stanik wrote:
>>> On 09/21/2016 08:55 PM I've sent a patch
>>> http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2016-September/008815.html
>>> that adds support for "flastmod" SSI command. I got no feedback.
> ...
> The patch in question is far from being committable.  And I, in 
> particular, don't have time to do a detailed review and/or rewrite 
> the patch.
> Some basic problems with the patch I see:
> 1. A lot of style errors.


> 2. It does direct file accesses, while in general SSI module 
> doesn't access files and does subrequests instead: this allows to 
> do arbitrary processing in URI space using nginx configuration, 
> including passing various resources to external machines.  
> Breaking the rule "resources used by SSI can be proxied" doesn't 
> look like a good move, even if this is to support additional 
> commands.  Re-doing this via subrequests might be an option 
> though.

I see. That moves it a bit to an unknown ground for me.
I'll have a look at that. But it would be great if you could recommend
someone who would find enough time to give me some guidance?

> 3. The fsize command is mostly identical and should be handled in 
> a similar manner.

I'm just trying to scratch my itch, so I did not care much about fsize.
But sure, if I could get the patch for flastmod in shape good enough for you,
I have no problem to add fsize too.

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