
show your full config, usually there is no need to set variable like 

proxy_pass http://tomcatdomain;

is enough.


> On 22 Feb 2018, at 16:17, imrickysingh <nginx-fo...@forum.nginx.org> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am new to nginx and facing some problem with my setup.
> In my setup i have nginx and tomcat with the application running on tomcat
> as http://tomcatdomain/application_name. I want to redirect to application
> if someone hit http://nginxdomain/app. I am able to do the redirection using
> location block as:
> location /app {
>  proxy_pass $tomcatdomain;
>  proxy_set_header Host $host;
>  proxy_pass_request_headers  on;
> }
> http://nginxdomain/app gives default tomcat page but i am not being able to
> reach the application.
> If i do like: http://nginxdomain/app/application_name, then it doesn't go
> anywhere but gives me the default tomcat page
> Regards,
> Ricky Singh
> Posted at Nginx Forum: 
> https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,278722,278722#msg-278722
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