On 6/6/18 4:09 PM, Robert Paprocki wrote:
Nginx has no stable API/ABI. With every release you want to leverage you need to walk through your entire test/canary/B-G/whatever cycle. That's a question only you can answer, but asking about "what about X release" is fruitless because of a complete lack of ABI support. In six month's it's an obsolete question, whose only two answers are "be the developer and watching the changelog" or "compile the module, test it, and pray to the diety of your choice that it doesn't explode".

That's an excellent point. Esp since I tend to keep production current with Nginx releases.

TBH, tho, I've said such a prayer-or-three re: Varnish!

Stepping back, these articles compare Nginx vs. Varnish straight-up. There is considerable difference to take into account in examining a stack leverage both.
> ...

Much agreed. Apparently my reference to 'TheGoogle' refs wasn't snarky or dismissive enough! ;-)

If I were you I would strongly question this "prefer to have" if the only question is manageable cache purging. :)

Been done.  Not convincingly enough, apparently.
You can lead a horse ...
It's a Nordstrom's(-of-long-ago) moment: "Customer's Right. Because they say so."

Thx agn!

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