thx that gets me closer to the end :).

let's try to summarize it (and add some more info):

  1. proxy and unix socket,
    This allows permission management via user accounts but it can can get bulky as soon as you set up user accounts for permission management of each backend application, as they  pose a higher risk, as indicated in the previous email
    For the server you make use of that is all put in the same http{} block.
    Would there be any advantage to use separate http{} blocks as discussed some while ago in Disallowing multiple http {} blocks in nginx.conf? 

  2. harden nginx / php communication
    php-fpm is typical tool to communicate with one or more php interpretors. Nginx just starts php-fpm, what in turn takes about the php script interpretation by means of the interpretor processes. The interpretor processes run within a so called of pool (of processes).
    The good thing is, that you can setup multiple pools, each with its own configuration, running with a different user, allowing hardening php script execution.
    How do I tell the proxied servers or php-fpm to use a certain pool for a certain server?

  3. reach proxied servers within LAN
    what you originally described refers to operations described in
    1. pfSense - Reach webserver by public IP from within LAN
    2. pfSense - Can't reach internal web server / NAT Reflection, Split DNS  
    3. pfSnese - How to Nat a web server
    but nothing mentioned there or by you is supported by my router at least I can declare a fixed IP for the NAS and set the NAS as primary DNS Server to do:
    1. Running DNS locally for home network
    2. How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server
    so the nginx related question, to I need to add listener to NAS_IP:LANPort to proxy webserver within LAN?

  4. (new) how to debug
    In /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  as there is:
     access_log syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,facility=local7,tag=nginx_access,nohostname main;
     error_log   syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,facility=local7,tag=nginx_error,nohostname error;
    so I assume Debug Logging is available although $ nginx -V 2>&1 | grep -- '--with-debug' does not return anything.
    How can I debug points 1 to 3 best?

  5. syno setup  is complicated / get new hardware, what allows to run linux and dockers.
    I know but I'm still hoping that the will be an AMR processor for a home server
    I'll get new hardware in the long term but currently I'm trying to understand the Syno setup, at least I found, most likely, all relevant locations to configure nginx and php : 


       /etc/nginx/app.d           syslink2   /var/tmp/nginx/app.d
       /etc/nginx/conf.d          syslink2   /etc/nginx/conf.d
       /etc/nginx/sites-enabled   syslink2   /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
       nginx.conf    generated by


          syslink2   /usr/share/init     (pre-start script)

       /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d     emtpy
    d     emtpy 


         location configs
       *.mustache files properly used by

       syslink2   /var/services/tmp/nginx


    php (php5 is used by phpMyAdmin)
       php.ini    (extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules" & sendmail_path = /usr/bin/ssmtp -t)

    (extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/modules" & sendmail_path = /usr/bin/ssmtp -t)

     /etc/init       syslink2   /usr/share/init    (pre-start script) 



    syslink2   /usr/lib  


       /usr/lib/php/modules     (same moduls as listed in /etc/php/php.ini)

      syslink2  /var/packages/PHP7.0/target/usr/local/bin/php70-cgi
          php70-fpm  syslink2  /var/packages/PHP7.0/target/usr/local/bin/php70-fpm


      syslink2  /volume1/@appstore/PHP5.6//usr/local/etc/php56/php-fpm.conf 
    php70/freetds  syslink2  /volume1/@appstore/PHP7.0//usr/local/etc/php70/freetds
      syslink2  /volume1/@appstore/PHP7.0//usr/local/etc/php70/php-fpm.conf 


        /usr/local/lib/php70/modules   emtpy


        syslink2   /usr/syno/etc/packages/PHP5.6
    syslink2   /volume1/@appstore/PHP5.6
    7.0/etc     syslink2   /usr/syno/etc/packages/PHP7.0
    7.0/target  syslink2   /volume1/@appstore/PHP7.0

    php managed by WebStation (Synology's web site hosting package)



On 28.09.2018 20:49, Reinis Rozitis wrote:
how do I do it eaxtly regardless if it is cumbersome?. 
Well you configure each individual nginx to listen ( ) on a unix socket:

Config on nginx1:
events { }
http {
  server {
     listen unix:/some/path/user1.sock;

Config on nginx2:
server {
    listen unix:/some/path/user2.sock;

And then on the main server you configure the per-user virtualhosts to be proxied to particular socket:

server {
	listen 80;
	server_name     user1.domain;
	location / {
		proxy_pass http://unix:/some/path/user1.sock;
server {
	listen 80;
	server_name     user2.domain;
	location / {
		proxy_pass http://unix:/some/path/user2.sock;

(obviously it's just a mockup and you need to add everything else like http {} blocks, root paths, SSL certificates (if available) etc)

So far I assuemd that the worker start the backend application the access to php is configured in the server block (my reference is What is the easiest way to enable PHP on nginx? and Serve PHP with PHP-FPM and NGINX). My googling tells my that the PHP process usually runs with the permissions of the webserver. 
Not exactly.

php-fpm which is the typical way of running php under nginx are different processes/daemons each having their own configuration and communicate via FastCGI ( ) via tcp or unix socket and both can run under different system users (php-fpm can manage even multiple pools each under own user and different settings) .

The guide you linked on isn't fully correct "The listen.owner and variables are set to www-data by default, but they need to match the user and group NGINX is running as."

The users don't need to match but the nginx user needs read/write permissions on the socket file (setting the same user just makes the guide simpler and less error prone).
You can always put the nginx and php-fpm user in a group and make the socket file group writable (via listen.mode = 0660 in php-fpm.conf)

Unfortunettely, my NAS does not support it
While the Synologies are Linux-based maybe running somewhat complicated setups (user/app isolation) and exposing to WAN are not the best option. 

Also it beats the whole idea of DSM being userfriendly centralized GUI tool. A regular pc/server with some native linux distribution (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Opensuse etc) might be a better choice (and imho easier to experiment on) and you can always attach the NAS to the linux box (via NFS, samba/cifs, webdav etc).


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