We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.07 of the Ngram
Statistics Package. This is a minor bug fix release, but there are a
couple of important points to be made even if you choose not to upgrade
from 1.05 immediately.

You can find download links to CPAN and sourceforge here...


The most important point is that the sequence for running the TEST-ALL.sh
script is out of order - that should be done AFTER you run 'make install'.
In the INSTALL documentation and in the Makefile.PL output it has that
happening before 'make install', which won't work because these scripts
rely on having an installed version of NSP available. This is unlike
'make test',
which is based on the build version of NSP prior to install. So, the desired
install sequence should be:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
cd Testing
csh ./ALL-TESTS.sh
cd ..
make clean

Running 'make test' and 'csh ./ALL-TESTS.sh' is optional I suppose, although
it's strongly recommended, just in case you have any troubles. This has all
be clarified in version 1.07.

Also, in version 1.07 we've made an attempt to reduce problems for Windows
users - in fact, I did some testing on Windows with 1.05, and I could see that
our messages from Makefile.PL did seem to be causing a problem even
after removing blank lines, etc., so they have been removed in version 1.07.
In fact this is probably an overdue change since for some now NSP has followed
a fairly standard Perl module installation procedure - the help messages are
a legacy of an earlier time when things were not so standard and it helped
a user to realize that, but, now that things are much like they are for any
Perl module, the installation messages are gone. The INSTALL document
should cover everything in sufficient details if questions arise.

Finally, we have relazed the Perl version requirement all the way down to 5.6.2.
Previously is was 5.8.5, but, I think that falsely created the impression we
were using some very new features that prevented us from working with
earlier Perls - in fact, in addition to my Windows testing I've been doing some
testing with 5.6.2, and as far as I can tell everything works well.
So, hopefully
this will allow you to run on a wider range of systems - while most users are
probably not using 5.6.2 any more, some in fact still use 5.8.3, etc.
which would
have been a problem previously.

So, if you are a Windows user or a pre 5.8.5 user of Perl, you'll certainly
want to upgrade to 1.07!

Please let us know if any questions arise!


Ted Pedersen

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