> So does NH really achieve Persistence Ignorance?

IMNSHO it's a dumb idea to try to make your business layer completly
persistence ingnorant (in the way you suggest), because there is some
persistence in the background and you are developing a complex
system. Having really pure POCOs with absolut none constraints, where
you program as if no persitence exists, is like having a team of
a hundred developers writing code with no constraints (at least no
coding conventions) and hoping all will be well, working, and good
looking in the end.

Complex systems needs decisions and constraints and conventions. There
are very important. And especially the heart of your system is
influenced by these decisions and constraints. Deal with it!

The crucial idea of presistence ignorance is to try to help to make
clear decisions. You should not use NHibernate and ISessions all over
your code -- but this is not because otherwise it would be so easy to
exchange your ORM (it never is), but because you need this to better
structure your software, because otherwise you have no chance of ever
get this complex system really working (not to mention to adapt the
system for future changes).

So NHibernate requires some constructors or all properties virtual?
Never mind. Rules of thumb like persistence ignorance should guide
you, they are not strict laws and you won't be shot if you follow
common sense. :)

Until the next mail...,

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