Naughty Naughty... ;)

* * *

A few random thoughts:

  * I do not condone being rude on other languages' forums, but I do sympathize 
with the anti-CoC sentiment. The Nim community deserves major kudos for 
tolerating me and my libertarian ways. ;)
  * Take snapshots of all your public message forum comments (ex. 
 []( to preserve 
evidence of censorship. Don't post in walled gardens where those archivers 
cannot access.
  * I **cannot corroborate Nim benchmarking faster than Rust** \- please post 
details (hardware, versions, OS, etc). Also note that Nim would score _a lot_ 
better with the right scientific computation library wrappers (which is how 
some languages, especially Julia and even NumPy, beat it at matrix 
multiplication). But I think Nim's biggest "killer app" opportunities would 
best correlate with high-level Web framework / network server performance (ex. 
[nanoant]( rather than number 
crunching, and if anyone is expending effort on performance optimization then 
that should be the first priority.
  * IMHO, Nim's top selling point is NOT being the fastest language (ex. C) or 
the most productive language (ex. Python, Ruby). I think **Nim's top selling 
point is offering the longest bridge in the middle, the most performance per 
productivity**. Rust may benchmark _a bit_ closer to C/C++, but its syntax 
verbosity comes _much_ closer to C/C++ as well. This is like paying twice as 
much in purchase and fuel costs for a car that gets 10% better acceleration, 
which you almost never notice because of traffic congestion anyway.
  * The performance / productivity dichotomy is the most prominent trade-off, 
but there are of course other virtues people look for in a programming 
language. Businesses like what I call "programmer interchangeability" — which 
is something that most popular languages (ex. Java, C#) are good at, and Golang 
seems to take to the next level — while Nim, IMHO to its credit, seems to 
largely disregard. And some programmers, especially in academia, value some 
strange virtues that I just can't seem to relate to (ex. the finer points of 
  * And so, due to these differing values, **one cannot always say that 
language X is universally better than language Y**. What I can say is that 
Nim's virtues align most closer to my own priorities than any other programming 
language. A big part of my reasons is that I want my future projects and their 
dependencies to have a high level of license freedom purity (see 

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