@NastyRigger: as much as I share your feelings towards CoCs and the oppressive 
PC exclusion that plagues communities like Rust (and others), there are better 
ways to express your antithesis towards them than childish insults. They only 
dis-credit your arguments and create animosity and bad feeling between 

I played a bit with Rust before I discovered Nim and -although I appreciated 
its effectiveness- I found it too verbose and bureaucratic. Nim's 
expressiveness and elegance is much more appealing to me. The only use-case 
where Rust would be a better fit IMO, would be when creating code for hard/firm 
real-time or embedded systems, where Rust's memory model allows for safe memory 
management. As this use-case doesn't affect me, I choose Nim over Rust because 
Nim makes me happier and more productive. However, you have to weigh things 
yourself and see which language fits your use-cases and coding style better.

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