The original post contains two interesting points that may or may not be 
connected. The first point, emphasized by the title, is that it (Nim) "all 
'just works'". The second point, mentioned in passing, talks about 
dissatisfaction with the political culture in competing projects encouraging 
people to try Nim:

> Was reading the comments of a /. article about Rust, which were of course 
> pointing out the SJW cancer, then somehow got onto Reddit about languages not 
> so infested with CoC and someone mentioned nim.

I've spent many years struggling with various questions in political 
philosophy, and how they apply to my career in IT, the Internet, and software 

I believe that, whether or not there's a written "Code of Conduct" (CoC), all 
communities form a certain culture that has political characteristics. But 
perhaps certain political tendencies can help an online community "just work" 
better than others.

The main points I'd like to make here are: (1) you can't avoid politics, (2) 
agree to disagree, and (3) the non-aggression principle.

# Can't Avoid Politics

I know that most people don't like "bringing up politics", but the problem is 
that **a certain political bias already inevitably exists**. Ignoring political 
topics doesn't make them go away. Perhaps (as OP points out) this is much less 
of a problem with the Nim community than elsewhere, which is a huge thumbs up 
for Nim - but Nim is not an island...

I would classify the bias that dominates most free software communities as 
socialist; anti-capitalist, anti- free market, and pro-government. This 
wouldn't be a problem in of itself - one has a right to hate corporations, move 
to a commune where everything is shared, etc - up to the point where you call 
for government force against others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, 
but problems arise when software code gets entangled with calls for violence 
against others.

As the result, most free software projects are becoming increasingly toxic to 
people who (like myself) deviate from those views.

Most people "go along to get along" and just ignore that political bias, and it 
is precisely the people who point out this bias who are punished as off-topic 
political hijackers / "trolls" \- which is very unjust.

A few examples, large and small, of what I see as left-wing socialist bias:

  * The concept of "free software" has been hijacked by the explicitly 
socialist ideas of [Richard Stallman](, including that it 
is necessary and desirable to use government force to "keep software free". The 
practice of free content predates the idea of copyright (or copyLEFT) by many 
thousands of years. From oral story-telling to earliest examples of free 
software, countless people have found it natural and desirable to give away 
information with no strings attached. And yet the idea of attaching pages and 
pages of legalese threats backed by government force to so-called "free" 
software is now seen as normal, while questioning it is seen as "injecting 
  * Back in 2010, someone on the FreeBSD forum [posted a 
petition]( calling for government 
intervention in the Sun/Oracle deal. I am no Oracle fan, but I posted replies 
arguing that government intervention is harmful and unnecessary. This resulted 
in the moderators deleting my account (including all prior posts, most of which 
were about FreeBSD), and this incident has given me a not-entirely-irrational 
phobia of contributing to free software ever since...
  * IMHO, the worst example of left-wing political hijacking in recent years 
was all the propaganda for """Net Neutrality""" (an Orwellian term for 
strengthening blind faith in government to control of the Internet). This has 
given me additional cause to boycott many Internet institutions, including 
 [FreeNode](, and most [especially 
 The latter betrayed the trust of millions of non-socialist developers who've 
been suckered into hosting their projects there - by turning them into tools of 
socialist propaganda! If you have any content on GitHub, you've spent months as 
an unwitting signpost for communist lies, whether you like it or not! </rage>

What software licenses are most commonly used by a developer community (see 
[]( and whether it remains married to GitHub 
are all decisions that have significant political consequences. (Nim is doing 
relatively well with the former, but not the latter.)

# Agree To Disagree

In the vast majority of situations, differing beliefs are not really in 
conflict. You can have your beliefs, and I can have my beliefs.

For example, one could say:

  * You can eat tofu; I can eat steak. We can criticize each-other's choices, 
through arguments and persuasion rather than force, but hopefully we can 
eventually find other topics of discussion.
  * You can use spaces; I can use tabs. You can use import blah; I can use from 
blah import nil. We can use automated code reformatting tools to see the same 
code differently. (Note how "agreeing to disagree" encourages technological 
innovations that make it easier for everyone to get their way.)
  * In your "SJW" culture you favor "affirmative action" to benefit individuals 
from demographic groups that have statistically lower rates of achievement. In 
our libertarian culture, we believe that everyone should be judged on 
individual merit. You can run your business how you see fit, and I can run my 
business how I see fit.
  * The neighborhood WiFi service you're selling slows down and 
speeds up \- so I will not use your service, and give my money to 
another ISP instead.

The Western Civilization achieved a relatively high degree of religious freedom 
not by the government regulating a "one true religion", not by banning all 
religious discussion, and not by it making sure all religions had the same 
number of adherents, but by the policy of ["separation of church and 
state"]( I now 
likewise advocate for a separation of the state from the Internet and the free 
software ecosystems.

# The [Non-Aggression 

There are situations, however, where beliefs are genuinely in conflict and one 
side must give way. Examples:

  * Your "right to swing your fist" cannot exist in the same physical space as 
my "right to not get punched in the face".
  * Your belief that tofu is better than beef (or vice-versa) does not justify 
using force against someone who disagrees.
  * Your wish for a new MacBook (or whatever) does not give you a "right" to 
just take (steal) one from somebody else.
  * Your concern that a certain DNA marker, height range, sexual fetish, 
StarTrek captain preference, or whatever other measurable attribute is 
underrepresented within a certain online group may be admirable, but it doesn't 
justify holding a gun to people's heads until your ideal statistical criteria 
is reached.
  * You believe that a text-file of legalese you've included in your "free" 
code is a binding contract that I've automagically agreed to. This untenable 
legal construct cannot be applied consistently, and there must be a more 
explicit threshold for what constitutes a binding contract. If you throw away a 
dollar bill with "by picking this up you hereby automagically consent to being 
my slave" written on it in tiny ink, your aggression against whoever picks it 
up will remain unjustified.
  * Your disagreement with my router's 
[QoS]( settings may encourage 
you to route your packets through other nodes in the network (thus making the 
network more resilient), but it does not justify getting the FCC to hold a gun 
to my head until I reconfigure my router to your liking.

The Non-Aggression Principle should be the basis for any CoC, whether written 
or otherwise. We just need a minimal micro-kernel of rules to resolve conflicts 
(NO INITIATION OF FORCE!), and we can "agree to disagree" on everything else. 

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