As someone who does a lot of custom video processing, there is one crucial 
functionality I find lacking in almost all programming languages I come across:

  1. Loading a video + audiotrack (e.g. Testvid.mkv) with 1 line of code
  2. Having FAST read access to both the video frame pixels and audio samples
  3. Being able to use the CPU/GPU (GLSL shaders for example) to process video 
pixels and audio sample data efficiently
  4. Again, 1 code line easy video + audio save function with CODEC/Compression 

We live in age DOMINATED by audiovisual content.

Yet no serious programming language seems to come with good built in 
Audio/Video file Read/Process/Write support.

I was thinking that Nim could be an exception to this.

Imagine Nim being able to read/write common audio/video files with 1 line of 
code without having to call 3rd party libraries or .dlls.

There are tens of thousands of real-world applications that require some form 
of custom realtime or offline image/audio/video processing.

If Nim runs as fast as native C and had audio/video read/write capabilities 
baked into the core language, you could be looking at the new DARLING of the 
image/audio/video processing world.

This is my suggestion to any Nim developers reading this forum - please add 
audiovisual capabilities into the core language itself.

Everyone faced with having to code custom image/audio/video processing algos 
would thank you for this functionality.

Currently, many people run to less-than-ideal solutions like Matlab, Videolab, 
Processing to do audiovisual processing with code.

A fast compiled language like Nim with built-in read/write support for 
multimedia files could attract a tremendous number of people to Nim.

Thanks For Reading,

> VideoBuddha

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